Television & Film

Surprising No One, Paramount Sets Next TREK Title



After weeks of rumors and speculation based on moves being made behind the scenes, Paramount Pictures officially announced that the next Star Trek movie will be called Star Trek Beyond.

Those that have been paying attention will already have surmised this, especially after news surfaced that Paramount had approached fan film producer Michael Gummelt, who already had the web site for a production he called — you guess it — Star Trek Beyond. Gummelt has since announced that his project will now be called Star Trek Uncharted and will also be the subject of a pitch meeting he’s about to have with Paramount (see the story in 1701News — where we contributed commentary).

Director Justin Lin also posted this image on his Twitter account, announcing the beginning of production with a glimpse at a new uniform design.

With the bulk of promotion for Trek 13 still a ways away, and with only two sequels in theaters this summer (Terminator: Genisys and another Paranormal Activity sequel), Paramount is opting to miss San Diego Comic-Con this year, joining Sony (having a light year) and Marvel (which will probably go to Disney’s D23 event).

In the meantime, on the heels of new deals for bigger paychecks, Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto have been confirmed for a fourth installment in the rebooted franchise. One assumes that new deals are now in place for the rest of the principle cast, as the original deals apparently expired in 2014.

Pine is also the center of rumors that he may join the DC Comics Cinematic Universe as the Green Lantern Hal Jordan, and Quinto is said to have been contemplating an end to his run as Spock in order to avoid being type-cast, something that almost happened after the first season of Heroes.

Star Trek Beyond is set for release July 8th, 2016, two months prior to the franchise’s 50th anniversary (counting from the second pilot…).



Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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