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STAR WARS Celebration VI: Will you marry me?

Quite a few happy tears were shed when this Leia said “yes” to her Luke’s marriage proposal at Star Wars Celebration VI. Credit: Deborah J Bell
Yes, she was utterly surprised! And even R2-D2 seemed thrilled for the happy couple. Credit: Deborah J Bell

Surprise marriage proposals are a not uncommon sight at sci-fi conventions, especially when the couple may have met at a previous event.

This Princess Leia said “yes” to her Luke Skywalker at Star Wars Celebration VI on Friday in front of a few thousand rebel forces (and their closest friends) who were gathered for a photo op on the main stairs of the Orange County Convention Center.

(Hopefully that whole brother/sister thing will not get in the way!)

Much cheering by rebel forces, Ewoks, droids, Wookies, and casual bystanders ensued after the bride-to-be’s delighted acceptance.

What do you think are the odds that this couple will be having a Star Wars wedding?

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