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SciFi4Chicks Is Ready To Kill The Messenger on GOTHAM

After last week’s rant-filled installment, things calm down a little on SciFi4Chicks Gotham podcast. Which, as Alex puts it at one point, is either very good or very bad.

The Major! Multi-Episode! Story Arc! involving the Ogre continues, showcasing some solid detective work from our protagonists. Something we haven’t seen for a long time. Barbara returns, but only to remind us of all the potential the writers had wasted when it comes to her storyline. Somewhere else, Penguin does what he does best – the eternal, disappointing dance of “one step forward, two steps back”.

Join Heather and Alex for some gushing and canoeing; Bruce and Selina are still our favorites. And tune in to hear all our thoughts regarding Mr. Ed Nigma and his evolution into the Riddler.

The panel: Heather French, Alex Callahan.

Do you agree with us? Do you want to argue? Do you want a badge proclaiming you to be the Survivor of the Rantpocalypse? Feel free to join the discussion in the comments or on social media of your choice (hint: Twitter)!


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