OpinionReviewsTelevision & Film

STITCHERS Keeps Getting Better



S1E9 “Future Tense”

This week Kirsten answers Liam’s proposal, and stitches inside the mind of a psychic. Linus and Camille have a little family time. And is Cameron marked for a terrible fate?


At the beginning of this episode, Liam pushes Kirsten to answer his proposal. Kirsten receives a text message from Cameron, and she leaves to go to the lab. At the lab, Linus asks Camille to meet his parents because he told them that he had a serious girlfriend. Camille only agrees to it for the food.

Kirsten goes to Maggie’s office and Maggie questions her about Liam. Kirsten gets frustrated with Maggie and leaves to talk to Cameron. While her and Cameron talk about Maggie, Fisher arrives and talks to Kirsten about Ed Clark. Fisher hints that he as a way to talk to Les Turner.

The victim this week is a 24 year old psychic named Vanessa Sawyer. She co-hosts a TV show with a woman named Jessica Barnes.


In the stitch, Kirsten is in the studio and sees a couple fighting. A fire surrounds them, and then it changes to the same couple fighting, and then the man starts choking the woman. Kirsten bounces, after which she and Cameron decide to go to the studio with Fisher.

Fisher interrogates the studio manager, Hauser, but they don’t find anything suspicious. Kirsten and Cameron talk with Jessica, and she gives him a special rock to keep his heart safe. They then go talk to Mia, the woman who was being choked in the stitch. Kirsten concludes that Vanessa had a premonition, and that is why the woman is still alive. She invites them to her party that night for her TV show.

Linus coaches Camille about how to act with his parents, and they later go through outfits she needs to wear.


While on a run, Liam notices a car is following him. He confronts Kirsten about what she actually works on, and Kirsten refuses to tell him.

Kirsten yells at Maggie about having Liam followed, and Maggie tells her that it is going to be too difficult to keep the Stitchers program a secret.

The team decides to stitch again, and this time Kirsten sees the couple fighting again. She also sees Cameron dead inside of the lab. Kirsten is convinced that Vanessa is seeing the future, and refuses to let him go to the party that night to help investigate.

Camille and Linus go to his parents’ house and Camille gets extremely nervous around them.

Kirsten goes to the party and sees Cameron there, and they decide to stick together. Liam shows up, and gets angry at Kirsten for lying to him. He thinks that Cameron and Kirsten are seeing each other.

Camille charms Linus’ parents, and they love her. Linus’ mom lets Camille try on his grandmother’s ring.

Kirsten and Cameron leave once the party is finished, but notice that Mia goes back inside. Hauser shows up as well, and they follow them in. Cameron calls Fisher.

Hauser is choking Mia, and Kirsten and Cameron go to help her. Hauser elbows Cameron in the chest, and Kirsten is worried about his heart. Fisher shows up with the police, and they find out the Mia was trying to burn down the studio, and that she killed Vanessa.

Camille is very happy with Linus’ family, and she hints that there could actually be a future between her and Linus.

Liam is waiting for Kirsten at home, and she says no to his proposal. He leaves, and Cameron talks to Kirsten. She is still worried about seeing him dead in the stitch, but doesn’t tell him. Cameron gives the rock to Kirsten to keep her heart safe.

The episode ends with Liam calling someone and telling them that Kirsten said “no”. Then he says that he’ll stick around longer.


This episode has been the best by far. Maggie and Fisher are definitely the parents of the Stitchers team, and it’s funny to watch. Maggie was more open with Kirsten this episode, which might work better than being so mysterious. And it’s nice to have Fisher back in the full swing of things. He said that Les Turner has been interested in him. I’m not sure if that means that Turner is interested in Fisher’s special assignment or interested in Fisher and his contribution to the program.

Liam is hiding something. Either he is trying to find out about the Stitchers program or find out what they’re doing. He says he is staying close, so in next week’s episode it is a possibility that Maggie and Les Turner reveal who the man in the photograph was. I’m happy that Kirsten rejected Liam’s proposal, because even if he was perfectly safe, it’s still be a weird relationship.

Kirsten and Cameron are becoming closer friends, and their interactions with each other are much less cringe-worthy than in the first couple of episodes. Camille and Linus are very cute together, and I hope Camille takes a chance with him. The Stitchers team is working together very well, and I’m just waiting for Turner to throw a wrench into the entire thing.

Stitchers has one episode left in this season, and they’re going to leave us hanging at the end of the season. I’m wondering if Kirsten’s father is going to make an appearance, or if Liam will reveal who he is working for. There are many things that need to be wrapped up in next week’s episode.


Oda Mae (Ghost, Whoopi Goldberg)

Zoltar (Fortune Teller)

Stretch (as always)



Alley Ulrich

Alley Ulrich is a student at the University of Kansas majoring in Film and Media Studies and History. She likes reading, looking at pictures of rabbits, and the color blue. Fell in love with science fiction after watching PACIFIC RIM.

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