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SciFi4Chicks has Crane On The Brain in SLEEPY HOLLOW

It’s all about Ichabod Crane on this week’s Sleepy Hollow, and nobody’s happier about it than Heather. A woman from Ichabod’s past is haunting the town, attacking ladies in Crane’s life (with a low success rate, but it’s the intention that counts, right?). Hottie McHotStud returns (much to our delight) to step in and save Abby’s life. Ichabod mentally adds “Learn CPR” to his to-do list, now that he knows how to drive. Katrina shows new colors (as old secrets are revealed) and gets more interesting. And finally, Henry learns his place in the grand scheme of things (poor puppy, needs a hug).

Listen to Heather and Alex discuss the painful difference between loving an idea and loving a real woman, squeal in joy at seeing Jane Bennett on the screen (Alex), and geek out over the way the show incorporated the myth of the Weeping Woman (Heather). We spend a huge amount of time talking about the first five minutes of the episode, but you can’t blame us, with all the emotional payout. They were so powerful, Alex didn’t complain about the lack of Orlando Jones (not too much, that is).

The panel: Heather French, Alex Callahan.


Find out where this episode lands on the scale from My Best Friend’s Wedding to Fatal Attraction and who got cast as our official Cabana Boy. Enjoy the latest installment of SciFi4Chicks, and join the discussion on the social media of your choice!

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