Television & Film

RUMOR: New Details on STAR WARS Solo Movies


Entertainment Weekly has word that Disney and Lucasfilm will be moving forward on a number of solo films in addition to the trilogy that would encompass Episode VII, Episode VIII and Episode IX. These two movies would each be centered around Han Solo and Boba Fett.

The Solo movie would serve as a sort of “origin” story, which was already done very expertly by A.C. Crispin in her trilogy of novels. The Boba Fett story would be placed sometime between the events of Star Wars and Return of the Jedi, when Fett met his “demise” at the Sarlacc pit. Unless you accept the novels that happen after that…

Neither Disney nor Lucas reps have commented on this. Nor have they addressed the other rumor about a Yoda solo film that broke on Ain’t It Cool.

But the question remains: Do we need these films? It appears that Disney is assuming the model for the Marvel Movie Universe — big team-up movie surrounded by solo films — will work just as well for Star Wars, but will it?

These (or other) films would most likely be the stories that Lawrence Kasdan and Simon Kinberg would be working up, in addition to their consulting gigs for the core trilogy. And Joe Johnston has talked before about his idea for a Boba Fett movie.

And that other Star Wars movie based on Seven Samurai? Zack Snyder says he’s not working on it.

But that could change.


Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

2 thoughts on “RUMOR: New Details on STAR WARS Solo Movies

  • I wonder who they would get to play Mr. Solo now. I mean, Harrison Ford might be getting a little too aged for the demands of the role. It will be interesting to see who they cast as each character.

    I’ll tell you what though. I might be alone in this, but I kind of hope (now that Disney owns Star Wars), that they would make a “solo” movie featuring Jar Jar Binks (don’t roll your eyes just yet). Starring JOHNNY DEPP as Captain Jack Sparrow as Hunter S. Thompson. I can see the gangling eccentric alien in aviator glasses and a bucket hat riding his pirate boat (speaking in the captain’s tongue of course) on a star freighter load of space drugs, waving his arms frantically at the hallucinations of bats in bat country, all while smoking a cigarette holder (I’d even be OK if Tim Burton directed). I smell Disney Magic.


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