Comic Books & Graphic Novels

RUMOR: Hulk Smashes Into Phase 3?


[Featured image by Alex Ross]

Chalk this one up to rumor for now, but Latino Review has a pretty good track record when it comes to predicting what’s next for the Marvel Movie Universe.

“El Mayimbe” over at LR has been hyping this scoop for a few days on Twitter, and released a video on Super Bowl Sunday that outlines the Marvel Phase 3 plans for the Hulk.












Last chance.




OK. For those still with us, Latino Review reports that their inside source tells them Marvel has big plans for the Hulk, going back to Kevin Feige’s comments about the character getting his own solo movie in the wake of Hulk’s breakout performance and fan reception post-Avengers. He’s definitely not getting a solo movie as part of Phase Two. We already know that the new movies introduce Ant Man, Doctor Strange, and the Guardians of the Galaxy.

As things have progressed, it seems clear that the popularity of the Ruffalo Hulk took Marvel by surprise. One could speculate that this affected the plan for the Hulk TV show, which probably would have done more “Banner running for his life” stories like the Bixby/Ferrigno incarnation.

Scrap that.

According to LR, Marvel now plans to make the Hulk the star of his own solo movie in the wake of Avengers 2, using that as the launching point (literally) to put Banner on Planet Hulk in an adaptation of the Planet Hulk story by Greg Pak (from 2006). And even though it was already done in animated form in 2010, it seems to be the plan for the live-action universe moving past Thanos.



Planet Hulk revolves around the banishment of Hulk from Earth, sending him to another planet, where he fights gladiator-style and eventually ends up being the king of the planet. Then World War Hulk sees him coming back to Earth to exact revenge.

And this will be Avengers 3. Says Latino Review’s source.

Now, given that some of the characters in World War Hulk don’t belong to Marvel Studios, some changes would have to be made, unless deals could be made for the Fantastic Four and others to cross over.

But if this is the plan, where could it go from there? Civil War? How much bigger could the movies get before the bottom falls out and they have nowhere to go?

Keep this one in the “Rumor” column for now. And we’ll keep an eye on it.

Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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