ROGUES GALLERY #51: Dinosaurs and a Spaceship, Plus Kissing and a Hot Bot
[recaps by Jason P Hunt]
This week, the Rogues talk about the four shows that were on the air, plus the rumor that we might soon get a Green Lantern casting announcement. Would it mean the restoration of Ryan Reynolds’ Green Lantern into the existing DC Films Universe?
Complete with CGI dinosaurs, face-offs against doppelgangers, Speed Force shenanigans, keeping secrets from everyone because of reasons, and emotionally rash decisions, this week proved to be a tough slog to get through for most of us…
And Gideon needs to be seen in person more.
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The panel: Jeff Hackworth, Thomas Townley, Jason Hunt
Returns April 24
Episode 215 “Exodus”
Written by Paula Yoo & Eric Carrasco
Directed by Michael A. Allowitz
So, Cadmus is using the alien registry to round up all the immigrants mutants metahumans this week and … not kill them? Instead, Jeremiah Danvers (Dean Cain) has convinced Dr. Luthor (Brenda Strong) to pack them all up, throw them on a massive spaceship that’s apparently evaded notice from anyone in the world, and haul them through hyperspace to a distant planet, because television doesn’t have enough “bad guys want to expel all the immigrants” metaphors…
Kara (Melissa Benoist) wants to expose the situation by writing an article, but Snapper (Ian Gomez) is the one TV journalist who actually acts like a real life journalist is supposed to act — you know, caring about verifiable sources and corroboration and fact and all — but Kara’s not having any, so she publishes the story on her own. Gets fired.
Alex (Chyler Leigh) gets benched because J’onn (David Harewood) thinks she’s emotionally compromised — and he’s right — but after she goes rogue, busts into the Luthor facility, gets trapped on the ship as it launches, and manages to break a bunch of things only for Kara to save her at the very last instant… yeah, she’s back at work and J’onn is apologizing?!
To quote the famous philosopher: “That’s not how it works. That’s not how any of this works…”
Episode 315 “The Wrath of Savitar”
Written by Andrew Kreisberg & Andrew Wilder
Directed by Alexadra La Roche
How many times can Barry (Grant Gustin) carry the Idiot Ball on this show?
We begin with the news that he and Iris (Candice Patton) are now engaged, which is great news for everyone on Team Flash. Except Joe (Jesse L. Martin) is none too pleased that Barry didn’t ask for permission. And when Wally (Keiynan Lonsdale) figures out the engagement is just one more way Barry’s trying to change the future, it gives us yet another example of a man who does stupid, terrible things for all the right reasons.
Meanwhile, Savitar is back, because when Barry threw the Philosopher’s Stone into the Speed Force, it wasn’t quite all of the stone. Turns out, Catilin (Danielle Panabaker) held onto a small sliver of the stone in the hopes of using it to get rid of her powers before she turns into Killer Frost and starts doing terrible things.
And Wally gets his time with the Idiot Ball, too, but we can all see where this is going, right? We know who’s wearing Savitar’s mask, right?
Episode 213 “Land of the Lost”
Written by Keto Shimizu & Ray Utarnachitt
Directed by Ralph Hemecker
Team Time Tamper heads back to Jurassic Park! Only it’s not because they have a plan or anything. It’s a crash landing caused by Rip (Arthur Darvill) giving Gideon (Amy Pemberton) instructions that cause all sorts of mayhem and chaos.
So the ship is broken. Rip is broken.
Sara (Caity Lotz) and Jax (Franz Drameh) learn from Rory (Dominic Purcell) that it’s possible to go into Rip’s mind to fight off the bad turrible things keeping him from being himself, so they dive into the Rip Matrix, finding a gorgeous personification of Gideon hiding in there as well. Turns out when the Legion of Doom set Rip to thinking his team was all against him, they didn’t figure for Gideon.
Fighting evil versions of themselves and the rest of the team, Sara and Jax work from within Rip’s mind to restore his memory while Ray (Brandon Routh), Amaya (Maisie Richardson-Sellers), and Nate (Nick Zano) hike out to T-RexVille to retrieve a piece of the Waverider. And while Ray is making the most of his return to the era, Nate and Amaya are feeling a little awkward at feeling a little amorous. Ray reminds Nate that he can’t do anything to alter Amaya’s future, because at some point her village gets ransacked and the Vixen totem gets passed to Amaya’s granddaughter, who doesn’t exist yet.
Wow, this is heavy…
New Episode March 15