PodcastTelevision & Film

ROGUES GALLERY #37: SUPERGIRL’s Still the Best, GOTHAM’s Still the Worst, Everything Else is the Middle


Kendal has admitted he’s warming up to this season of Gotham, and if you look at it as maybe a prequel to Tim Burton’s Batman, it might work. Or it’s a “what if Burton did the prequel to Batman ’66?” experiment. We’re still not sure. But it looks like the show is about to fully embrace Penguin and the Riddler as a couple. What’s your idea for a hashtag? Send us an e-mail and let us know.

Meanwhile, Supergirl continues to deliver solid fun, with Tyler Hoechlin once again killing it as Clark Kent and Superman, so much so that it’s giving Dustin fits…

Over on The Flash, Harrison Wells figures out Barry has been tampering with time again, and needs to really convince Jessie not to use her speed. All the while Team Flash is up against a slightly boring nemesis this week. Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow are slowly fading out, and our prediction is that LOT won’t survive four seasons.

[su_audio url=”http://www.podcasts.com/download/scifi4me-radio-rogues-gallery-1e4979dfe/ROGUES-GALLERY-37-SUPERGIRLs-Still-the-Best-GOTHAMs-Still-the-Worst-and-Everything-Else-is-the-Middle-7a6e”]

The panel: Sonya Rodriguez, Ann Laabs, Timothy Harvey, Jeff Hackworth, Kendal Sinn, Dustin Adair, Chris Jensen, Jason Hunt




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