Television & Film

MARVEL Releases All The Meaty Trailer Goodness At SDCC 2017

We got the full slate of trailers for Marvel’s upcoming film and televison projects from San Diego Comi-con 2017.

First up, Thor: Ragnarok:

This looks cool. Thor tries to get back home to stop the destruction of it. And he finds The Hulk along the way…and Hulk talks. Neat.

Next, The Gifted:

So the takeaway from the panel is that this show is in it’s own seperate universe. So don’t expect any crossover from the other established Fox/Marvel properties…I would like to see some but you get what you get. I’m at least interested in it.

Next, Marvel’s Inhumans:

This is the latest attempt at a Marvel property on the Alphabet Network. It has my interest peaked. I like the effects. Lockjaw looks cuddly (hey merchandising: lots of Lockjaw toys would go along way). I might even spring to see the pilot episodes in IMAX (if it’s showing at the nearby theater.)

And finally, the main event in the Netflix street level heroes series, Marvel’s The Defenders.

The trailer looks good, plenty of wise cracks. I’m curious how well Sigorney Weaver will do in this role. I really want her to be ruthless and menacing.  I’m still reminded how far behind I am in watching Iron Fist and Daredevil Season 2. Gonna have to play some catch-up.

Thor: Ragnarok will be released in theaters November 3rd. The Gifted comes to Fox on October 2nd. Marvel’s Inhumans arives in IMAX on September 1st and on ABC September 29th and Marvel’s The Defenders hits Netflix on August 18th.


Thomas Townley

Thomas spends hours playing games, reading books and comic books and watching genre tv. You should too.

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