Television & Film

J.J. Abrams to Direct EPISODE VII?

A while back, I wrote a bit showing how the new iteration of Star Trek was actually Star Wars in disguise, mainly because at the time there were no more Star Wars movies planned, and J.J. Abrams has made it very clear that he’s more of a Star Wars fan.

Well, now it appears he may get his chance to do his Star Wars movie for real.

The Wrap is reporting that Disney-owned Lucasfilm, led by Kathleen Kennedy, has made a deal for J.J. Abrams to direct Star Wars: Episode VII, written by Little Miss Sunshine writer Michael Arndt.

This flies in the face of what Abrams himself told Entertainment Weekly back in November, when he said it wasn’t the right direction for his career. Indeed, it seemed as though Star Trek Into Darkness and Revolution would keep him busy enough, in addition to other projects he has in development at Bad Robot.

Abrams’ take on Star Trek has been met with mixed reaction, with many die-hard fans calling out the director for not just the lens flares, but for the lack of substance and story. Many compared the 2009 Star Trek with Star Wars, citing Abrams’ own confession of being more familiar (and interested) in the universe George Lucas created. Many, including yours truly, felt that Abrams had already made his Star Wars film and put a different franchise name on it.

Now, it seems J.J. Abrams will be the chosen one to shepherd a new version of yet another beloved movie franchise from our collective childhoods. Is this a good move on the part of Kennedy and Disney execs? Or is this another indicator that too many projects are being handed to too few writers and directors, with the result that they all look enough alike that no one can tell them apart?

What do you think about this, fellow fans?

Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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