iZombie -- Image Number: ZMB219a_0001.jpg -- "Salivation Army" -- Pictured (L-R): Rose McIver as Liv, Malcolm Goodwin as Clive and Robert Buckley as Major -- Photo: Katie Yu/The CW -- © 2016 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved.
PodcastTelevision & Film

Recap: iZombie Season Two Finale with SciFi4Chicks

Episode 218 “Dead Beat”
Directed by John Kretchmer
Written by John Enbom

Episode 219 “Salvation Army”
Directed by Michael Fields
Story by Rob Thomas & Diane Ruggerio-Wright
Teleplay by Diane Ruggerio-Wright & Kit Boss

This season of iZombie is now over. Unfortunately, the zombie-like virus that has hit Dorin and Heather is not over. But even a week later, the Chicks have some definite thoughts on how this season has wrapped up. We get two episodes at once, almost like a mini-binge watch. That will have to do until season three. (YEAH!)

Dorin and Heather return to the microphone to discuss the episodes “Dead Beat” and “Salvation Army.” How will Major get out of jail? Will Dale make her case? Can Liv save Drake, or is this another failed zombie hook-up? Is Blaine a good bad guy, or a bad good guy, or something else? Will Ravi earn a new badge in his Call of Duty squad? How will Clive take the news that things haven’t been what he thought? What will Vaughn do now that he’s up for membership in the Three Comma Club? Why does Vivian want Super Max and all that goes with it? Do nice guys really finish last? And how exactly does a heart break?

The panel: Heather French, Dorin Schadel.

[su_audio url=”http://www.podcasts.com/download/scifi4me-radio-scifi4chicks-3b54b1ec7/iZombie-Season-Two-Finale-with-SciFi4Chicks-a9ca”]

Tune in for the latest installment of SciFi4Chicks and hear Heather and Dorin’s opinions about the plot thickening, stories intertwining, relationships breaking apart and coming together.

So many questions, so little time! What did you think of this week’s episode? Join the discussion in the comments or on Twitter! Let us know your favorite part: Liv and Clive and Major, Blaine and Ravi and Peyton, Rita and VDC, Vivian ‘Schwarzenegger,’ or either Rob Thomas. Finally, rate the episode on our iZombie Hotness Scale.


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