PodcastTelevision & Film

H2O #116: In Which We Discuss the Essentials of PERSON OF INTEREST


This week, we introduce you to a new segment we’re developing for July: The Essentials, a series of articles and videos that introduce topics to people who might have missed it the first time around. Just about every topic is fair game, because somewhere out there someone hasn’t seen Star Wars or Lost or LEXX or… name your flavor.

So we’re going to be sharing the “Essentials” about a topic, and this first one: Person of Interest, which is wrapping up its final season on CBS in the next few weeks. Our intrepid editor/reporter/host Mr. Harvey has realized that the show has some very genre-connecting elements (which weren’t there in the beginning, which is why it slipped under our radar), making the show at the very least, speculative fiction if not outright sci-fi.

Take a listen, and please share with us what you think.

[su_audio url=”http://www.podcasts.com/download/scifi4me-radio-h2o-1c319f2fd/116-In-Which-We-Discuss-the-Essentials-of-PERSON-OF-INTEREST-9c43″]



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