Comic Books & Graphic Novels

Free Comic Book Day 2017 at Milwaukee’s Lost World of Wonders

[All photographs by Dave Margosian]


Free Comic Book Day started in 2002 and according to the owner of Lost World of Wonders in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, “every year it gets bigger.” Airi Williams noted that for LWoW, FCBD brings in “non-hardcore comics readers” to comic shops and as evidenced by the many children in the shop, exposes a new generation of readers to comics.

Williams estimated that Lost World hosted approximately 1,000 FCBD visitors in 2015 and around 1,200 in 2016. From the looks of the line stretching around the building this year, that number will most likely be higher for 2017.


Young Alessandria enjoys her first Free Comic Book Day.


Boo, the Comic Store Cat at Lost World of Wonders, maintains her cool.


Felicity enjoys FCBD decked out in her Superman sparkle t-shirt.


The helpful Staff at Lost World wrapping up each visitor’s free comics.


Lily and Callie wait in line to pick out their free comics (and pet Boo the Comic Store Cat).


Writer and Artist James Lynch displays some of his graphic novel titles.


Isaac dressed up with some Spider Man gear for FCBD.


Did we mention the line was long before the store opened?


Author James Lowder helps  Kayla and young Rain find some more comics. Kayla said comics helped her daughter become an avid reader.


Nick, Chris and Gabriel – first in line FCBD 2017!


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