Comic-Con 2012: Having a laugh with Nathan Fillion

As reported by NerdApproved, and confirmed by Crushable, these cards were handed to fans at San Diego Comic-Con if they ran into “Firefly” star Nathan Fillion by chance on the exhibit floor and he was too busy to stop to chat or take a photo.
Being “Firefly-neutral” (neither pro, nor con), I can only leave it up to fans to decide if this card was a really cool attempt by a super-busy Fillion to connect in some fashion with his many loving fans, or an ill-advised piece of egocentric concept dreamed up by his PR people. (If you think about it, who is really doing the laughing here? Only you can decide.)
Keep in mind that there were a couple of hundred other famous types at this convention … and who seemed to operate just fine without the need of printed vanity cards. So, what is your opinion?