
ASIMOV’S Announces Reader’s Award Finalists

Asimov’s Science Fiction has announced the finalists in their 36th Annual Readers’ Award Poll. These are the top five stories in each category, as determined by readers of the magazine. Each of these stories appeared in the pages of Asimov’s in 2021.

The winners will be announced later this year. Links are provided so you can read each finalist.



A Blessing of Unicorns – Elizabeth Bear (September/October 2021)
A Rocket for Dimitrios – Ray Nayler (January/February 2021)
Glitch – Alex Irvine (March/April 2021)
Light Up the Clouds – Greg Egan (March/April 2021)
The Realms of Water – Robert Reed (January/February 2021)


Año Nuevo – Ray Nayler (May/June 2021)
Billie the Kid – Rick Wilber (September/October 2021)
Philly Killed His Car – Will McIntosh (July/August 2021)
Table Etiquette for Diplomatic Personnel, in Seventeen Scenes – Suzanne Palmer (January/February 2021)
The HazMat Sisters – L.X. Beckett (July/August 2021)


Alien Ball – Kristine Kathryn Rusch (July/August 2021)
Bread and Circuits – Misha Lenau (November/December 2021) PODCAST
Flowers like Needles – Derek Künsken (March/April 2021)
Muallim – Ray Nayler (November/December 2021)
My Heart Is at Capacity – TJ Berry (May/June 2021)
Sentient Being Blues – Christopher Mark Rose (March/April 2021)


Chalk and Carbon – Marissa Lingen (November/December 2021)
In the Library Annex – Bruce Boston (September/October 2021)
Mars Rover, Curiosity – Jane Yolen (January/February 2021)
When I’m Thirty, I Receive a Box Full of Your Bones – Avra Margariti (January/February 2021)
Your Memories are Sponsored by a Fossil Fuel Company – Matt Thompson (November/December 2021)



January/February 2021
Donato Giancola

September/October 2021
Edar Zakirov 

November/December 2021
Maurizio Manzieri













Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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