Comic Books & Graphic Novels

X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST – Casting Roundup 1.27.13

Casting news: Anna Paquin (Rogue), Ellen Page (Kitty Pride) and Shawn Ashmore (Iceman) are all returning for the new installment of the franchise. Director Bryan Singer dropped the news on his Twitter account:

Bryan Singer tweet

Of course, the reaction was quick and very vocal — mostly about bringing back Cyclops, given that we never actually saw him die… Could Scott be coming back at some point?

Speaking of Summers, it’s still not know who’s going to play Rachel Summers, or if Famke Janssen will reprise her role as Jean Grey. Also uncertain: Halle Berry, January Jones, or Daniel Cudmore. [The Verge]


Jones has hinted that it’s unlikely Emma Frost will be in the next picture, telling Collider: “I don’t know that I’m in it, I don’t think Emma’s in this one.  Well they haven’t told me if I am (laughs).  I wouldn’t put it past them though, I got the script for the first one on the airplane on the way there.  It’s called Days of Future Past I think, and I think it’s more about James [McAvoy] and Michael [Fassbender] and then Patrick [Stewart] and Ian [McKellan], and I think it’s gonna go back and forth with those so I don’t think Emma’s in those bits.  I don’t know, I really don’t know.”

Janssen has not been confirmed, but hasn’t been eliminated from the cast, either. She also talked with Collider in early January, saying, “If you run into Bryan Singer, just tell him I’ve been sitting by the phone, I’ve been hearing rumors of all these people getting cast; what about me?  I’m waiting!”

Speaking of wanting a role in the movie, and Twitter: Parks & Recreation actor Aziz Ansari took to the 140-character pipeline to pipe up and express interest in a role. He contacted Singer directly through Twitter, asking if there was a role for an Indian. Singer replied, “I shall consider it.” Over at they’re speculating a good role for Ansari would be Thunderbird, who has a connection with the Prime Sentinels. The Sentinels, of course, figure into the Days of Future Past storyline, so it’s possible to make a connection. Something that James McAvoy is wanting to see in the new film. [The Mary Sue]

Another actor excited about returning: Nicholas Hoult (Beast), who teamed up with Singer for Jack the Giant Slayer and stars in Warm Bodies. Digital Spy has collected his comments, along with an interview with Michael Fassbender, who’s returning as the young Magneto.

It certainly seems to be old home week for the X-Men. Sir Patrick Stewart, Sir Ian McKellan, Jennifer Lawrence (coming back as the young Mystique and very excited about it). Of course, if Hugh Jackman is telling the truth, we’ll see everyone back: “Every other actor who’s ever put on a superhero uniform will be in it,” he said. “There’s an element of time travel and, naturally, it will be action-packed.”  [Nuke The Fridge]


One other question looming: will Singer use the new movie’s time travel elements to undo the events in X-Men: Last Stand? Remember, that film left Scott Summers, Jean Grey and Professor Xavier all dead. Could Singer be planning a wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey thing?

Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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