Television & Film

Thor, Deadpool, and Polite Company on PLANET RUSTY


Time for another rousing edition from my little corner of the internet.

Well, we got the first trailer dropped on us for Thor: The Dark World hitting your local cineplex on November 8th. What do we have here? Welp, looks like we up the ante on property damage. Instead of a small desert town getting trashed, it looks like London and Asgard are getting the short end of the stick this time around. Speaking of Asgard, looks like Thor is taking Jane Foster to meet his parents and she winds up getting into some peril (no surprise there, gotta move that plot forward!). We get to hear and see just a little of Chris Eccleston as the main baddie of the movie, and of course we get some Loki. You can’t have some Thor without some Loki, am I right?

Seeing as how it’s the first trailer, we aren’t getting a whole lot about the plot thrown in just yet. Just getting enough action to get you hyped up for the movie. And as far as the comic book movies go, as of late the second movie winds up being almost as good, if not better than the original. For me, being a guy who was never a fan of Thor in the first place, the first movie was a great surprise. I don’t want to get my hopes up too high, but it looks like the second solo flick for the god of thunder will deliver.

In the comic world I wanna take a look at Deadpool #8. Now friends, up till now I’ve avoided Deadpool for a handful of reasons. I thought he might wind up like other Marvel characters that start to suffer from overexposure and we’d see him go away for a while like maybe Venom or The Punisher. Looks like I’ve been off the mark on that one. And seeing as how he’s a Liefeld creation, that makes me tread with caution. But seeing as how comedian Brian Posehn has been writing the book with Gerry Duggan I have thrown that caution out the window.

What do we have in this issue? Deadpool has the spirit of dead S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Preston in his head till ‘Pool and numbskull necromancer Michael can find a new body for her, but in the meantime Deadpool has to to the dirty work of the demon Vetis that ole Wade screwed over last issue. Oh yeah, he also gets ice cream and plots of revenge on a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who stiffed him on pay for a job earlier. The whole run of this book as been great in my eyes. There’s been a decent mix of comedy/violence/drama as Deadpool is pretty much treated like the proverbial red headed stepchild by the rest of the Marvel Universe in this book. You folks remember the Garth Ennis’ DC book Hitman? That was a book that I loved, and I was bummed when it ended oh so long ago. After it ended there was a void that needed to be filled with a good mix of over the top violence, black comedy, and lurking on the underbelly of an established comic universe where the protagonist may interact with other heroes, but not on the best of terms. Thank you, Deadpool, you have filled that void. Now I just need a book to fill that fills my Liberty Meadows void.

In the TV world, not really much to babble about. I was going to talk about the Netflix original Hemlock Grove, but if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all, that’s my motto! Even if it’s a show that has a plot that just plods around walking in place, uneven production values that looks like they broke the bank on one scene and then spent a buck and a quarter on the next, characters that you really don’t get much of an emotional connection to, scenes with angsty teens that wanna be Twilight really bad, a horrible British accent from Famke Janssen, then I’m not going to say anything at all!!!!

Oh, I just said all that, didn’t I? Whoops.

Well the couple bright spots that I did happen across with what I was willing to sit through were the most original werewolf transformation that I’ve seen, and the character of Shelley whose supposed to be a Frankenstein homage. Granted, I think the only reason I liked her was just my like of the Frankenstein mythos in general. I know that Netflix is just starting to get their feet wet with the original programming, so hopefully this is just a stumbling block, we see some better stuff in the future, and Hemlock Grove winds up being a minor footnote.

That’s gonna be it for me folks, but DO NOT forget we have Free Comic Book Day this weekend and the release of Iron Man 3! Rest well this week my geek brothers and sisters, cause our weekend is gonna be a little busy!

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