Conventions & Events

The Geekly with a Twist: October 21st-27th

Hey everyone, Annaleigh again, taking a break from the awesome Halloween series for the usual Geekly.  At the end of this one, I’m going to put the fate of Find of the Week in everyone’s hands (again…you all have got to VOTE!).  We need to find a new name!  Anyways, no more dilly-dallying…onward with the history!

October 21st, 1956: A beautiful author and actress who can bring a smile to any Star Wars geek, Carrie Fisher, is born in Beverly Hills.

 October 22nd, 1879: Thomas Edison performs his first successful experiment using a carbon filament in a lightbulb.  He perfected the design over the next two weeks before filing for a patent on November 4th.

October 22nd, 1968: Apollo 7 splashes down in the Atlantic Ocean after a highly succesful trip orbiting the Earth.

October 22nd, 2010: The International Space Station breaks the record set by Mir for the longest continuous occupation of space.  It continues to push the record to this day.

October 23rd, 1942: “Techno-thriller” author Michael Crichton is born in Chicago.

October 23rd, 1959: Parody artist and the mastermind behind many geek theme songs, “Weird Al” Yankovic, is born in Downey, California.

October 23rd, 1976: The man who would later portray both Wade Wilson and Hal Jordan, Ryan Reynolds, is born in Vancouver.

October 24th, 1632: The Father of Microbiology and the man who improved the microscope enough to be able to view single-celled organisms, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, is born in Delft (in the modern-day Netherlands).

October 24th, 2001: 2001 Mars Odyssey reaches the orbit of Mars.

October 26th, 1962: (As you wish!)  A man who needs no introduction, Cary Elwes is born in Westminster in London.

October 27th, 1939: Monty Python alum and ridiculously funny man, John Cleese, is born in Weston-super-Mare, a seaside town in England.

This week’s Twist is the White and Nerdy.


Okay, not quite like that, but rather a take on the traditional White Russian.

In order to make this cocktail, you will need to steep a bag of Earl Grey tea in a small rocks glass full of vodka for about 30 minutes.  You don’t want to over-steep the tea as it can cause the flavor to become bitter, so under-steeping is better in this case.  It will impart a wonderful tea flavor which will work uniquely with the other ingredients in the drink.

  • 2 parts Earl Grey vodka
  • 1 part Coffee liqueur
  • Heavy cream

Pour the vodka and coffee liqueur over ice in a rocks glass.  Top with heavy cream, stir, and enjoy!

Lastly, we’re to Annaleigh’s Find of the Week.  (Again, I’m going to ask you all to please vote at the end of this post for the new name of this segment.)

I’m a little late on the bandwagon, but guess what’s out?!?


That’s right…just in time to appease Guildies who are missing their Felicia Day fix, there’s the new Dragon Age: Redemption starring none other than the geeky redhead herself!  Be sure to check out the first episode and enjoy!

Don’t forget to vote in the poll, but, until next week…geek on!

 [polldaddy poll=5579480]

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