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The Geekly with a Twist: December 7th-13th

Hello everyone, I hope your December is going well! Wow, that’s weird to say. December. De-cem-ber. It’s seriously December?! What happened to November? Oh wait. Anyways, here on the Geekly the biggest thing is history. Since today is December 7th, I’d personally like to take the time to remember those lost in the dreadful day 61 years ago in Hawaii. To those 2,402 killed and 1,247 wounded, I dedicate this post. I know it’s not much, but as long as we remember, we honor. Onward with the history.

December 8th,1950: Creature effects master (and seven time Academy Award winner) Rick Baker is born in Binghamton, New York. (He is the special effects artist who is at work on Maleficent presently.)

December 8th, 2010: The first spacecraft to succeed in demonstrating solar-sail technology, IKAROS (Interplanetary Kite-craft Accelerated by Radiation Of the Sun) as launched by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, passes by Venus at a distance of about 80,800 kilometers.

December 9th, 1952: Michael Dorn, the man in the makeup of Worf, is born in Luling, Texas.

December 10th,1815: The daughter of Lord Byron, known in geek circles as the first computer programmer, Ada Lovelace is born in London.

December 11th, 1922: Vampira herself, Maila Nurmi is born in Petsamo, Finland.

December 11th,1927: John Buscema, the comic book artist from Marvel best known for his work on The Avengers (among other things) is born in New York City.

December 11th,1962: The actor behind John Crichton in Farscape (as well as Cameron Mitchell in Stargate SG-1), Ben Browder is born in Memphis, Tennessee.

December 11th,1979: Best known to 90s kids for his role as Shawn Hunter in Boy Meets World, real-life nerd Rider Strong is born in San Francisco, California.

December 12th, 1949: The one and only Bill Nighy is born in Surrey, England.

For more awesome history in the geeky tone, check out:

For your Twist how about a Worf-style BloodwineThis makes several servings, by the way.

  • 8 oz gin
  • 6 oz vodka
  • 6 oz triple sec or orange liqueur
  • 6 oz Midori or other melon liqueur
  • Various fruit such as watermelon, cherries, and strawberries

Mix ingredients and let sit for at least one hour in a cold spot. Drink up!

And, for a quick Garnish, how about I just send you to It’s the newest brain child of Now I Know author Dan Lewis and it features perfect gifts for white elephant and secret Santa gift exchanges for the inevitable holidays. The best part? Everything’s UNDER $20! Go check it out!

So, until next week, geek on!


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