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It’s a logical evolution of the fan film. The online creative community getting together to collect money and resources to produce a film/TV show that the studio/networks just won’t do. Only this time, it’s the professionals doing it.

Marc Scott Zicree (so many sci-fi shows his geek cred has geek cred), Doug Drexler (you know who he is), Neil Johnson (director of several lookalike films that have actually made money) and Micheal Reaves (who helped Sulu meet Sulu) – all established professionals in Hollywood – are leading the team that’s developing a brand new series of films under the title Space Command.

Set in the future, Space Command is a more optimistic look at where humanity will be, very much likeStar Trek in its hope for where we’re going, rather than assume we’re going to be living in some post-apocalyptic dystopia where everything runs on guano and all the clothes are made from paper or something….

We got to talk with Zicree about the project: about why they didn’t go the traditional route and pitch it to a network, about why this kind of science fiction story, and about how you could be a part of it. Or play a part… They still have to cast the lead.


Casting Call

Besides Armin Shimerman and Ethan Phillips, Zicree also hopes to involve Robert Picardo. But the cast will also include at least two performers from out there in YouTube land.

The production has issued an open casting call for two of the characters:

Matt Kemmer is 25-35 years old, any race or ethnicity is welcome.

Cadet Bradbury is 18-22 years old. Male or female is fine. Must be smart, funny, brave,

Actors must be willing to travel to Los Angeles to be available to play the part and be legal

Those interested can download the “sides” (scenes from the script) and then post their auditions on YouTube. Kickstarter backers will then vote and help select the actors who will be part of the production.

[SPACE COMMAND on Kickstarter]   [SPACE COMMAND on Twitter]   [SPACE COMMAND on Facebook]   [SPACE COMMAND Home Page]

Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

One thought on “SPACE COMMAND Wants You!

  • Check out the documentary THE TABLE featuring Marc Zicree and his Round Table group in Los Angeles!


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