SDCC Coverage: Where’s Ours? you ask…
Ah, San Diego. Home of one of the largest nerdfests anywhere — Comic-Con International. And yes, it would make sense for us to be out there, wouldn’t it?
Now, I’m not going to go off on how much money it costs and how we’re all volunteer and have limited resources and yadda yadda yadda media passes and wi-fi and “Hollywood took over the comics” and the various and sundry etcetera. Suffice it to say that for various reasons, SciFi4Me is not at San Diego Comic Con.
However, that doesn’t mean we won’t cover the event to the best of our ability. Even now, we’re compiling news from all over the Interwebz in an attempt to assemble the most comprehensive information about everything genre-related that comes out of the four-day trip through the multiverse.
Movie news. TV news. — Yes, Hollywood’s out there, and they pretty much run the show anymore, so that’s the deal. — Comics news. Video games. Web series. Panel recaps. Cosplay galleries. Interviews. Event video.
We’re going to collect it all in a series of Roundups that gather all the news that is news in one place. And we’ll provide links to all the source material so you have plenty of entry points to rabbit holes down which to go for more. The goal is to give you as much news about SDCC as we can find, almost like being there. Only our feet don’t hurt from standing in line.
Although it wouldn’t be a bad thing to stand in line, at least once.
So, be looking for that to arrive here in the next couple of weeks, and in the meantime: share SciFi4Me with your friends. Surely you know one or two people in your circle of life who appreciate a good robot or laser sword or dragon or such. There are buttons down below that will even help you do that. Just clicky-click and off we go. Don’t keep us a secret!