SciFi4Chicks Couldn’t Find the Mangoes on ORPHAN BLACK
You’ve had a week to recover from the anniversary wine hangover, which means it’s time for the next installment of SciFi4Chicks Clone Club (this time with no drinking whatsoever). But it’s still a wild ride, so buckle up and listen to the latest podcast discussing the events of Orphan Black, episode 302:
The panel: Heather French, Alex Callahan.
Castor pursues the Leda clones for original tissue samples. Helena, who is pregnant and imprisoned, is examined by a mysterious new villain. The Castor boys are also out to play, toying with a frightened young woman Patty, in a sexy switcheroo that ultimately sets Sarah – and Art – hot on the Castor trail. But it’s not all fun and games for the Castor boys, as Sarah gleans they may have a mysterious defect that puts their lives in peril.
Heather and Alex discuss the shows within the shows (Inception style), flawed creations, creepy people and #TeamHendrix. Find out who went home with the trophies for Clone Queen and Backup of the episode.
And finally, share your opinions about this episode in the comments below or on social media of your choice (as long as it’s Twitter)!