Saturday Morning Post: The Ten Best Moments of Planet Comicon


In case you were living under a rock/not paying attention, last weekend was Planet Comicon here in Kansas City. Missed it? Well, here’s the top ten moments why you should be kicking yourself:

10. SyFy was there

Okay, I know it doesn’t seem like much, but, let’s face it, it was super cool to know the channel is actually focusing on geeky things (like cosplay!).


9. SciFi4Me was there

Not to toot our own horn, but, let’s face it, we’re a pretty cool bunch to hang with, and most of us in the immediate area were there at some point during the weekend.

8. George Takei

First and foremost- a single “oh my” is enough to make MY day. Secondly, the man is super interesting. He’s led an interesting life and is a wonderful speaker (he also really seems to respect and enjoy Kansas City as a destination). As a history buff, I especially enjoy his accounts of time in the internment camp during World War II, and it’s heartening to see someone with such respect for life.

7. Adam Baldwin’s love of our barbecue

The man could not stop talking about it (and how it would make him gain too much weight). Our barbecue is amazing, in case you were wondering, but it’s my understanding it was all he wanted after trying it. The best part about this? It’s going to be a LOT easier to convince him to come back to our city.


6. First-rate cosplay

I tried not to say it too much, but I was super disappointed in the cosplay in St. Louis. The biggest sin (in my opinion?): a blonde Slave Leia (with a lower back tattoo, no less). Kansas City satisfied my need for better cosplay. Yes, we have a super ridiculous amount of Harley Quinns, but most of them are different versions of her (and pretty good, usually, too). I mean, HELLO, perfect (new 52) Catwoman!

5. Ray Park

It takes a special person to want to meet all of their fans. It takes an even more special person to stay because your line of fans hasn’t gone down all day. It takes an even MORE special person to do that both days (and continue to do martial arts demonstrations). Ray Park was the last person signing autographs in “Celebrity Row” both days and he was extremely nice and genuine. Because of his insistence on meeting as many fans as possible, we didn’t get a chance to catch him for an interview, but I don’t think I’ve ever been less disappointed. The man was apologetic and sincere, and I really can’t wait for the next time he makes it to our town.


4. Wil Wheaton waiting in line for an autograph

Before the show, he was geeking out just as much as the rest of us, waiting for an autograph from Lindsay Wagner.

3. Nicholas Brendon: face boob

During the panel, Nicholas Brendon was super distracted by nearly every bit of awesome in the room. The best moment by far, though, was “face boob.”

Let me explain. There was a woman in the first row (a Planet veteran, she’s super nice) who was wearing an amazing corset. Her chest created a perfect table and, mid-sentence, the Buffy alum stopped and had to ask about it. She went ahead and stood up to demonstrate that, yes, she could put her face into her cleavage. The room was rolling with laughter.


2. The proposal

Due to the booking issues, the Star Wars panel ended up basically just being Peter Mayhew, so a lot of people decided to skip it. You missed out, if you did. A rebel pilot was brought up on stage with his counterpart, a lovely Starfleet officer. And guess what happened next?

He proposed to her!

1. Addison

When Wil Wheaton opened the floor up for questions, he didn’t realize the show would be stolen from him by his first fan. A four year old girl, she had four “questions” for him. And, by questions, I mean she decided to tell him about her four dogs. Instead of getting remotely annoyed or anything, he played along with her, genuinely happy that this little girl was brave enough to come up to the microphone. She won everybody’s heart (including his, I think), and really stole the show.


You need to see this.

So, if you’re seriously kicking yourself for missing out this year, just remember, next year is just around the corner! Also, our coverage of the convention is trickling onto here, our YouTube Channel, and more. Check out our Facebook album for more pictures, and also don’t forget to follow us on Twitter! Enjoy your weekend!

[Editor’s note: she said “yes”.]

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