Comic Books & Graphic NovelsTelevision & Film

Roundup 9.6.11 – AVENGERS

The latest on The Avengers

Villain Speculation

Comic Book Movie has this article putting pieces together and coming up with speculation that the Avengers may be fighting a giant sea creature named Leviathan at some point, and that Namor may also be involved in the story, albeit in a minor role. Salt at the ready…

Tom Hiddleston (Loki) tells MTV News that his character is going to be more “gangster” in The Avengers, which could mean just about… what? What happened between his falling into the cosmos at the end of Thor and his somehow being connected with Dr. Selvig?  [More at Muveez]

Curtains for Coulson?

Clark Gregg has addressed the rumors that his character, S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Coulson, meets his demise in The Avengers. Since he’s in talks for Iron Man 3, it’s unlikely he’s going to get killed off in the team-up movie (unless they happen out of chronological sequence, which is unlikely). Fans of Joss Whedon know that it’s typical of the director to kill off a popular character, so there’s a chance someone’s going to die in this movie.

[More at Crave Online]

Set Snaps:

Screen Rant has these photos showing Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye and Scarlet Johannsen as Black Widow.

WorstPreviews has photos, and Cinema Blend has a video compilation of Lee’s past cameo appearances.

Coming Soon (via SuperHero Hype) has a compilation of a few more set shots, including what looks to be a map for debris and props.

And here’s a video of production in downtown Cleveland from August 15, featuring ‘splosions and police shooting up at something (Skrull ships?):



Comic Book Movie has these set pictures, showing Captain America (Chris Evans) battling a mo-cap stuntman with an alien weapon.

Space Shots:

Speaking of Jeremy Renner, he and Samuel Jackson recently wrapped shooting at NASA’s Space Power Facility at Plum Brook near Sandusky, Ohio. In a press conference, co-producer Jeremy Latchman talked about the project and the fact that NASA would like to partner with more productions.

[More at Ace Show Biz]

Burning Questions

IFC has 10 very good questions about the upcoming film, including some thoughts on Nick Fury’s longevity and the inclusion of Wasp and Ant Man.

D23 Reveal

Disney, which now owns Marvel (for those of you still under that rock…), dropped footage at the recent D23 convention instead of loosing it on the fans at Comic Con this year. Included: a confrontation between Loki and Nick Fury, and a bar scene where Tony Stark does a head count of heroes surrounding Loki. The memorable line: “We have a Hulk.”

[More at MTV News]   [More at Entertainment Weekly]

Also at D23, Cobie Smulders, the new S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Maria Hill, told MTV about her “geek out” moment on set. Plus, who has the higher rank, Hill or Coulson? [More at Reelz]


“Access Hollywood” has a number of videos about the movie here, including interviews with many of the cast members. [Access Hollywood]

Tweeples Assemble:

Mark Ruffalo on Twitter

Joss Whedon on Twitter

Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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