Television & Film

Roundup 2.23.12 – FALLING SKIES

The 2nd Massachusetts has been hard at work for the second season of “Falling Skies” on TNT.

Casting News

Brandon Jay McLaren (photo: Joe DeAngelis/ Persona PR)

Brandon Jay McLaren has joined the cast as Sunil Chutani, an ivy-leaguer who becomes the 2nd Mass’ “Scotty” – engineer and tech guru. It’s a multiple guest-starring role, according to The Hollywood Reporter, and he’ll be in at least seven episodes this summer.

Sunil is described as having spent a fortune on an Ivy League education, and was just days away from launching an IPO when the invasion hit.

[More at The Hollywood Reporter]

The show is also getting “Locked” – as Terry O’Quinn is also joining the cast for (initially, at least) a two-episode arc. He’ll appear as Tom Mason’s old mentor. Does this mean a flashback? Or does the professor’s professor meet an untimely demise?

[Full story at Entertainment Weekly]

Season Two Hints

This video has some of the cast teasing what we’ll get to see in the upcoming season. Specifically, things get “darker” and “sexier” – although possibly not together at the same time and place.



And in this video, they talk about the weapons training:



There are plenty of other videos at ExtremelyTiredDad’s YouTube channel – obviously shot at a presser while they were shooting.

Three If By Space has behind-the-scenes photos from season two, as well as video of the cast (looks like the same conference ExtremelyTiredDad attended). They also have posted this article about a set visit.


And while the cast and crew are hard at work on season two, they can enjoy the fact that the show has been nominated for “Outstanding Visual Effects in a Broadcast Series” by the Visual Effects Society. This is the 10th annual VES Awards, and the show is up against some pretty good competition – “Fringe”, “Once Upon a Time”, “Planet Dinosaur” and “Terra Nova”.


Font Fight

TNT and the production company Titleboy have been hit with a lawsuit claiming misuse of a font software in connection with the show. Lawyer Frank Martinez – who seems to be making a living filing this kind of lawsuit of late – is claiming on behalf of German designer Matius Gerardo Grieck, that the show misused the licensing on the font design software. (?) It’s one of these things that’s sure to make you tilt your head like a puppy, unless you’re really into font design and frivolous lawsuits.

[More at the Hollywood Reporter]

We leave you with this:

Skitter BBQ



[Official Show Site at TNT]   [“Falling Skies” on Twitter]

Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

One thought on “Roundup 2.23.12 – FALLING SKIES

  • Thanks for the plug. We have lots more video coming that arnt out yet. Tom (ExtremelyTiredDad) was at the same set visit we were at. We spent the entire day on set. I have more photos and info to come in the coming weeks, including more of this Q and A video that hasnt been posted yet. Stay tuned.



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