

Folks, we just hit another milestone. Annaleigh Josephs, who delivers the weekly “Geekly”, has posted article number one thousand!

This is squee-worthy. Especially since we’re not going to get Action Comics #1000 anytime soon (yeah, I’m looking at you, DiDio…).

There are a lot of things brewing over here at World Domination Headquarters, and part of that involves an expansion of our coverage into genre-related video games. Be on the lookout, because our gamers are coming in with hot consoles ready to rock. Plus, we have new writers coming on board to provide recaps for Fringe, Beauty and the Beast, and Touch — and maybe a few other bits and pieces of news you can use.

Coming up in the next couple of weeks: Fan Days! We’ll be in Dallas to see Bruce Campbell, Felicia Day and Stan Lee! Hopefully, we’ll get interviews with them and a lot of the other guests while we’re there. Stay tuned to our YouTube channel for the latest! (by the way, have you watched the most recent issue of Comic Con Carne yet?)

In addition to stuff I can tell you (which I just did), there’s also stuff brewing that I can’t mention… not yet. Don’t want to jinx anything, but once all the ducks get into their proper rows… there will be some more exciting news coming.

THANK YOU to everyone who follows our work here. And THANK YOU to everyone who does the work. It’s a nice little symbiosis we have going. And you’re more than welcome to share us with your friends. The more, the merrier.


Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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