Making the Grade – Review of Sony's E3 Press Conference


And in this corner: Sony! If you did not see this press conference, you missed out on all the bloody punches. Sony was out for blood. The conference ran a tad bit late, but hey it’s expected watching a live stream. The beginning was about the PS Vita and how many things you can do with it, as well as all the games. This section was a little slow for me. Another interesting thing that players will be seeing is that Redbox and Flixster will be joining the Playstation Network later this year.

Next were the game titles. Apparently there are roughly 40 titles right now for the PS4 (that have been confirmed) and 20 of those title will be released in the first year that the PS4 is release.  Among some of these titles were: Killzone: Shadow Fall, Knack, and Drive Zone will help launch the PS4.

The Last of Us –– The global reviews across the board are high 9’s or even 10’s! This is the game to look out for this year. They really did not show anything that people have not seen, but a new trailer. For those who have not heard about players play as the character Joel, who is trekking across a  post-apocalyptic United States in 2033. Joel is followed by a young girl named Ellie to a safe group. The players will have to defend themselves against zombies and hostile  humans.

Beyond Two Souls –– I did not realize how many great name actors are lending their voice to this. The trailer itself seems like the play for this will flow like a movie. Jodie who is voiced by Ellen Page looks, well like Ellen Page. Although I do not know much about the title, from what I have gathered the game allows you to play through 15 years of Jodie’s life to discover the true meaning of some type of entity named Aiden. The real elements of this title is centered around the questions about what happens after life.

Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag –– gorgeous and it was great to see the game play. It is classic Assassin Creed play style, but this setting is different and exciting. The game play had a little lag, but for what was shown, it looks stellar, and is definitely a game to look out for, especially if you have the other ones! I’m glad that there was a little bit of lag though, it proves this was real live game play. Thank the skies too, it’s blew my mind away.

[To learn more about the Assassin’s Creed franchise ]

The Order: 1886 –– The trailer is visually gorgeous; however, the idea is not all that original. This game has potential. This is an exclusive for PS4.

Infamous: Second Son –– This trailer is making me quite excited. I would like more plot. They really explain much in the trailer.  I’m not quite sure what the power is, but it did look more like the control of fire. I love the idea the first and second Infamous had with choosing being a hero or a villain.

The Dark Sorcerer –– nothing but a trailer, but really didn’t explain much.


Final Fantasy versus XV – visually stunning, this FF is a little bit more realistic. I like the aspect of a more realistic feel. From what the trailer showed, it seems like there may be a bit of parkour style play, which makes me wonder if the fighting will be different.


Watch Dog — game play! This is all a gamer wants! Where to even start on this game? The play was smooth and very interesting. The idea and plot is original, and I think a lot of gamers are going to enjoy this one. Based in an alternate reality version of Chicago where a central operating system controls every aspect of life. The gamer plays the character Adian Pearce, a skilled hacker who embraces technology and uses it to his advantage even if it’s trying to attempt murder.

Destiny –– reminds me a little of Mass Effect and Halo, the multi-player feature is nice and is interesting looking. I want to see/know more about this game. Looks appealing and I will definitely keep my eyes out for it.

Other games that were featured are: Kingdom Hearts 3, NBA2K 14, Puppeteer, Rain, Grand Turismo 6, Batman: Arkham Origins, Mad Max, and Elder Scrolls Online.

Following the plethora of teasers and trailers, the conference slowed down by the release of indie titles. These games include: Transistor, Mercenary Kings, Secret Ponchos, Outlast, and Odd World: New and Tasty,

The momentum of the PS4 was front and center.  Sleek design, and reminds me of a slim down version of the good ol’ PS2 (the big brick). However, I can’t help but to think that both the PS4 and Xbox One look very similar. The PS4 did state that they will support used games! This is something that seems to be the upper hand that Sony has on Microsoft’s Xbox One. Players will not have to be hooked up to the internet, which means you are not required to check-in online.  And best part is the price. Sony made sure that their competitors could not win; the PS4 is priced at $399, 399€ in Europe and £349 in the U.K. The console will be available holiday season in the U.S. and the U.K.

You can tell that Sony went all out, and it shows! The crowd’s reaction said it all. The fact that they blatantly said “WE SUPPORT USED GAMES!” was all that was need, and is probably going to send Microsoft shaking in their boots.  Knowing all of this, Sony is really revving up all the news games, even those that were not shown at E3. Coming out with a BANG! I feel that Sony really listened to its players, and it will .

Overall I would give the press conference a grade of “A-/B+. “

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