PodcastTelevision & Film

H2O #149: In Which We Discuss the Challenge of Adaptations


Two weeks ago, we discussed the upcoming new adaptation of Dune. It’s going to be a challenge to get it right. Which is the case every time a network or studio takes on the task of adapting a literary work for filmed media. The translation either works or it doesn’t, or it sort of maybe kind of works, or it just barely doesn’t quite work. Or it’s so far off in left field you don’t even recognize it.

So, what are some of the issues inherent in adapting a work for a new medium? We take a crack at examining that very question, and throw out a few stories that actually might make good movies, only nobody else seems to have had the same idea…

[su_audio url=”http://www.podcasts.com/download/scifi4me-radio-h2o-1c319f2fd/H2O-149-In-Which-We-Discuss-the-Challenge-of-Adaptations-8243″]





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