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GOTHAM Casting Announcments — Shared Universe?

Following the announcement that Ben McKenzie will step into the shoes of Detective James Gordon in Gotham (after having played Batman already in the Year One animated adaptation), word comes via Variety on additional cast members.

Robin Lord Taylor will play Oswald Cobblepot, better known as The Penguin. This incarnation will begin as a low-level henchman of Fish Mooney, hiding his greed and power envy behind an oh-so-polite veneer.

The other announcement — the casting of Alfred Pennyworth. Sean Pertwee, the son of Doctor Who star Jon Pertwee (the 3rd Doctor, for those counting), will play the Wayne butler. Listed here as a former Marine from East London. Very much like the Alfred we saw on Beware the Batman.

RELATED: BATMAN: YEAR ONE Spotlight on Actor Benjamin McKenzie

Zabryna Guevara has been cast as Captain Essen, Gordon’s boss. Obviously, this character is at least named after Detective Sarah Essen, so will that mean an affair will be in the offing if the show gets past a first season?

Erin Richards will play Barbara Kean, an emergency room doctor and Gordon’s fiancée.

No word yet on the casting of ten-year-old Bruce Wayne, nor if this means the television and movie universes are shared or separate. Probably depends on how the Gotham Alfred and the Man of Steel 2 Alfred (Jeremy Irons) are played — are they the same Alfred Pennyworth?


Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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