Conventions & Events

Geekly with a Twist: August 5th-11th

It’s a very spacey week, and an especially good week for fans of the Red Planet so enjoy this week’s installment of The Geekly with a Twist!

Featured image courtesy of NASA.

August 5th, 1930: Neil Armstrong, future small stepper and giant leaper, is born in Wapakoneta, Ohio.

Courtesy NASA

August 5th, 1969: The Mariner 7 passes by Mars and sends photographs back to Earth.

August 6th, 1986: William J. Schroeder, a man who lived 620 days with the Jarvik-7 man-made heart, passes away.  He was the longest surviving recipient of a permanent artificial heart.

August 6th, 1996: NASA announces the discovery of evidence of primitive life on the red planet.  No, it wasn’t little green men but rather a fossil contained within a meteorite which was found in Antarctica.  It is believed that this meteorite was from Mars.

August 7th, 1976: A day shy of exactly 20 years before the Antarctic discovery, scientists in Pasedena, CA announce that the Viking 1 spacecraft had found “strong indicactions” of life on Mars.

Courtesy Pixar Wiki

August 8th, 1966: Michael DeBakey becomes the first surgeon to install an artificial heart pump in a patient.

August 9th, 1892: Thomas Edison receives a patent for the two-way telegraph.

August 10th, 1869: The motion picture projector is patented by O.B. Brown.

August 10th, 1994: Three men are arrested in Germany after attempting to smuggle plutonium into the country.  One can only assume the indicators (I mean, the glowing hands aren’t that suspect…right?)

August 10th, 2003: The first marriage from space takes place with Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko married Ekaterina Dmitriev.  Malenchenko happened to be about 240 miles above the planet in the international space station at the time of the wedding.

Courtesy The Lawrence Journal at

August 11th, 1877: Asaph Hall (an American astronomer) discovers the two moons of Mars.  He named them Phobos and Deimos.

And, with your geekly twist, a special concoction from A Little Green Man from Mars


1/2 oz Jagermeister

1/2 oz Rumple Minz Peppermint Schnapps

1 mint green maraschino cherry

Remove the stem from the cherry and drop into a large shot glass. Pour in the Jagermeister and Rumple Minze and enjoy!

Anyways, until next week, this has been Annaleigh “The Lush” Josephs with your Geekly with a Twist.

(Note from the author: for those of you who have been anxiously awaiting my Warehouse 13 recap, I must apologize.  My laptop broke and I am having some other technology issues.  They should resume ASAP.)

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