Mercedes Mason as Ofelia Salazar, Infected - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 2, Episode 14 - Photo Credit: Peter Iovino/AMC
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ZOMBPOCALYPSE NOW: FEAR THE WALKING DEAD’s Season Finale Is Not Actually Terrible. Huh.


With Fear the Walking Dead back on Sunday nights, #TeamZombie continues its Zombpocalypse Now podcast, where Mr. Harvey and Mr. Adair talk things undead like, perhaps, Fear the Walking Dead itself.

Season 2, Episode 14 “Wrath”
Written by Kate Barnow
Directed by Stefan Schwartz

Season 2, Episode 15 “North”
Written by Dave Erickson
Directed by Andrew Bernstein

Cliff Curtis as Travis Manawa, Kim Dickens as Madison Clark, Kelly Blatz as BrandonĀ - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 2, Episode 14 - Photo Credit: Peter Iovino/AMC
Cliff Curtis as Travis Manawa, Kim Dickens as Madison Clark, Kelly Blatz as BrandonĀ – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 2, Episode 14 – Photo Credit: Peter Iovino/AMC

Dustin: Our long nightmare is finally over.

Timothy: And yet oddly, the end wasn’t the worst episode yet. Weird.

Dustin: It is weird. There were actually moments I liked about the finale. Just moments, but moments nonetheless.

Timothy: Hello folks, this is, in fact, our review of the 2-episode finale of AMC’s Fear the Walking Dead, and whooboy, some things happened. Some of them were good things…

Dustin: Some of them.

Timothy: …some of them were terrible things…

Dustin: And by terrible, we mean that special terrible that only Fear the Walking Dead can bring.

Timothy: …but they were all things we talk about here. And we survived it.

Dustin: Barely. So take a listen, like us and comment on iTunes and, and we’ll see you guys soon!

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Frank Dillane as Nick Clark, Danay Garcia as Luciana - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 2, Episode 15 - Photo Credit: Peter Iovino/AMC
Frank Dillane as Nick Clark, Danay Garcia as Luciana – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 2, Episode 15 – Photo Credit: Peter Iovino/AMC



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One thought on “ZOMBPOCALYPSE NOW: FEAR THE WALKING DEAD’s Season Finale Is Not Actually Terrible. Huh.

  • While I have to agree on the editing, you guys are way off the mark. The interesting (and complex) new characters have greatly improved this show. I predict higher ratings and new fans….mostly because of the presence of two young actors, Daniel Sharman and Sam Underwood. And, frankly, ending the Victor Strand storyline wouldn’t harm the show in the slightest.


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