Alycia Debnam-Carey as Alicia Clark - Fear The Walking Dead _ Season 2, Episode 10 - Photo Credit: Richard Foreman/AMC
Horror4MePodcastTelevision & Film



With Fear the Walking Dead back on Sunday nights, #TeamZombie continues its Zombpocalypse Now podcast, where Mr. Harvey and Mr. Adair talk things undead like, perhaps, Fear the Walking Dead itself.

Season 2, Episode 10
“Do Not Disturb”
Written by: Lauren Signorino
Directed by Michael McDonough

Dustin: Why are there so many pictures of Travis and Chris on the AMC Fear the Walking Dead Press site, Tim? Why?

Timothy: Because for some reason this show thinks we care about Travis and Chris, I suppose.

Dustin: Well, this show is wrong. Stupid Travis. Stupid Chris.

Timothy: And if you folks at home were guessing that we’re not thrilled over here that we spent half the episode with these two, well, you would be right…

Dustin: I hate them… so very, very much.

Timothy: And you can hear us go into the whys of it all, on this episode of Zombpocalypse Now, where we consider “Do Not Disturb”, and ask why we can’t just have a show about Alicia facing down the undead hordes in high rises…

Dustin: Because this show is full of hate for the living, that’s why.

Timothy: Actually, that is sort of the basic premise, yes. Take a listen!

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Alycia Debnam-Carey as Alicia Clark - Fear The Walking Dead _ Season 2, Episode 10 - Photo Credit: Richard Foreman Jr/AMC
Alycia Debnam-Carey as Alicia Clark – Fear The Walking Dead _ Season 2, Episode 10 – Photo Credit: Richard Foreman Jr/AMC








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