Mr. Smith and the Intern From the Future join Mssrs. Adair and Harvey for more Fear the Walking Dead on Zombpocalypse Now!
Season 3, Episode 3 “TEOTWAWKI”
Written by Ryan Scott
Directed by Deborah Chow
Dustin: Curtis is back!
Curtis: Hi guys.
Dustin: Mindy is back!
Mindy: Hi guys.
Dustin: Tim is… still here!
Timothy: Wow. That was enthusiastic.
Dustin: I see you every week. We don’t see Curtis as much as we used to, so it’s special when he’s here. And Mindy still laughs at my jokes.
Curtis: Thanks, Dustin. It’s good to be here. Although I came here more to hang out with my friends than watch whatever this show is.
Mindy: I’ve never watched Fear the Walking Dead before, and to be honest, watching you two watch the show is as entertaining as the show is, if not more. You make the most interesting faces.
Timothy: This show does inspire reactions. Although, we aren’t hating it as much as we thought we would, based on the previous seasons.
Dustin: All twelve thousand seasons of this show.
Timothy: Two seasons. This is season three.
Mindy: You can kind of see Dustin aging in real-time as he watches it.
Dustin: And that’s with me not hating everything that happens.
Timothy: Heh. Yeah, it says something that not hating the show is the baseline we’re going with here. Anyway, sit back and listen as we talk about all the things happening on the third episode of Fear the Walking Dead’s third season…
Curtis: Sit back and listen to us laugh a lot.
Mindy: Sit back and listen to Tim bleep out all the swearing a lot.
Dustin: AND check out our other podcasts, and our new Twitch channel, and do that YouTube thing that gets us more cool YouTube things.
Timothy: Follow us on YouTube! We’re aiming to get over 1000 followers on YouTube. It would be cool if you could help us do that.
[audioplayer file=”http://www.podcasts.com/download/zombpocalypse-now-a79ac0f68/ZOMBPOCALYPSE-NOW-FEAR-THE-WALKING-DEAD-Still-Isnt-Entirely-Awful-fd66″ titles=”ZOMBPOCALYPSE NOW: FEAR THE WALKING DEAD Still Isn’t Entirely Awful” artists=”SciFi4Me Radio” track=”FD8604″ text=”000000″]