Conventions & Events

VIRTUAL Con Update: November 19

Since the traditional convention can’t happen, here is your list of the future VIRTUAL cons. Links are active. New cons will be listed with a .


BGG.Com – Dallas, TX Nov 18-22

PhilCon – Cherry Hill, NJ Nov 20-22

PMX – Pasadena, CA Nov 21-22

Notorious Consequence – Christchurch, United Kingdom Nov 26-30

ChessieCon – Baltimore, MD Nov 27-29

Gridcon – Devon, United Kingdom Nov 27-29

Pretty HEROES – Toronto, Ontario, Canada Nov 28-29



Other Worlds Austin – Austin, TX Dec 1-6

New York City Horror Film Festival – New York City, NY Dec 3-9

MomoCon – Atlanta, GA Dec 11-13



Arisia – Boston, MA Jan 15-18

Ohayo Con – Columbus, OH Jan 22-24



BlizzCon – Los Angeles, CA Feb 19-20

Anthro New England – Boston, MA Feb 25-28



Norwescon – SeaTac, WA Apr 1-4

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