
Trending Toward Ten Thousand

SciFi4Me.com had humble beginnings back in March 2009.

Since then, there have been a number of changes, most notably the switch over to a WordPress template & hosting solution in late 2010. The going has been slow, but we’ve been steadily gaining an audience, and I’d first like to thank everyone who keeps coming back for more.

One of the challenges to getting any web site off the ground is figuring out how to increase the number of people who visit. While some marketing consultants will say it’s not really the number of eyeballs that matter, but the message and its impact, I’d wager that no message has any impact unless people see it. So at the back of my mind is always the need to increase our traffic. To do that, you have to want to come back. That’s why I try to provide content that has a little meat on the bone, as it were.

In the past few months, many volunteers have come on board – Timothy Harvey, Curtis Smith, Brynne Copping, Tom Sharp, Danielle Dodson, Molly Montgomery, Dustin Adair, Annaleigh Josephs – who have given of their time and taken on certain parts of the load.

For the past couple of months, those efforts have paid off in record traffic numbers. So far, the last three months have seen our numbers double each month. Right now, it’s not a lot, but thanks to the Meddling Kids and you, we’re on track to see 10,000 hits by August, if the trend continues.

My hope is to get this site to the point where advertisers see it as a viable option, giving us more resources to bring you the latest and most comprehensive news from around the science fiction community. And with the economy as it is, it wouldn’t be a bad thing for some of that advertising revenue to create a job or two (or three or four…).

Thanks to you! You keep coming back, and we keep giving you more. At least, that’s the plan…



Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

2 thoughts on “Trending Toward Ten Thousand

  • Congratulations. I’ll be coming back for sure. Love your posts. Hope it all works out. I’ll cross my fingers and other appendages… if possible.

  • Thanks!
    And we always appreciate when folks share our site with others. Feel free to pass the word!

    And we’re keeping an eye on your project, too…


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