TIME SHIFTERS: A Fantastic All-Ages Graphic Novel With Heart
I got an early look at Chris Grine‘s new graphic novel, Time Shifters. I have to say, this is one of the best young reader books I’ve seen in a while. Chris does an excellent job of creating original, sometimes bizarre, characters and then pairing them with exciting and inspirational stories. The book is well paced and the art is a perfect fit.

Parents ask your kids this:
Would you like to hear a story about a boy who tries to keep an amazing device away from dimension-hopping bad guys with the help of a crazy scientist, a ghost, a dinosaur, and robot Abraham Lincoln? Wait, who’s helping him!? You read that right. Who’s chasing them, trying to get the device back? Glad you asked. How about vampire Napoleon, a mummy, and a skeleton in a space suit? Three bumbling henchmen working for a nefarious miscreant, who for a while seems to mostly berate his henchmen through a fantasy-Blackberry. Things get interesting once the dimension hopping starts.
Normally I like to have the material I review in front of me. I skim through it as I write as it helps my accuracy. In doing that with this book, I just noticed something. The skeletons boots squish! Can you tell me why? Well, not right now of course, cause maybe you haven’t read the book yet.
For the parents, this book is REALLY FUN to read to your kids. We had a blast and I got to “do the voices”. There’s a bug-man with a sour wife who had me laughing too hard to read. The 7 year old was asking why I was laughing and I had to say, “You’ll understand when you’re older.”
There’s action, drama, character growth, and heart. Man, there’s heart. For the older readers, you’ll see themes that will probably get missed by kids. I don’t want to get into spoilers, but hit me up when you’re done and we can peel it apart. Time Shifters has more than enough left for a second volume, which my kids immediately asked for. I can’t think of higher praise.
Pick up your copy today!