Horror4MeOpinionReviewsTelevision & Film

THE WALKING DEAD: Harvey & Adair Man The WALLS


Season 5, Episode 3 “Four Walls and a Roof”


Dustin: Chiiiillliii…


Timothy: I Told you not to go for that 3rd bowl.

Dustin: Shut up. Anne-Marie knows what I’m talking about.

Timothy: Anne-Marie is fine. Right, Anne-Marie?

Anne-Marie: CHiiiillliii….

Timothy: What is wrong with you people?

Dustin: We have no impulse control.

Anne-Marie: That’s right!!… wait…

Timothy: So… We’re not going to that chili cook-off next year?

Dustin: The hell we’re not.

Timothy: It was really good. You up for this?

I am. We are. Let me just… hang on…

Hello folks. Usually this would be the point where we would have some witty banter, perhaps some predictions about what will happen in this episode, but as I’m not actually sure Dustin can get up off the floor at this point…

I can… I will… I have! Let’s do this.

Okey dokey. As always, Mr. Adair and I are here to discuss the latest episode of AMC’s The Walking Dead, and are joined by Miss Anne-Marie, who shall be tweeting for us this evening, like she does.  There are, of course, SPOILERS here, and much that is inappropriate and not for children, much like the show itself. That’s the spiel, now…

I hope you brought enough chili for everyone.

RECAP!! ((burp))

Walkers, close up. It’s pretty gross. The Fine Young Cannibals are eating The Medic.

Gareth is full on cray. And hot. But more cray than hot now I guess… I‘ll have to check the graph in Barney Stinson’s The Bro Code.

Now he’s more crazy than hot?

Garth is telling The Medic all about how Terminus was not supposed to be a bad thing, that they would have taken in OTHER cannibals with perfectly symmetrical faces. Then, he tells a weird story about bears. And how they more than likely ate kids.

Way to ruin my sexy, sexy crush on you, Gareth.

Gareth seems to really want to justify what the Terminus folks are doing every chance he gets, doesn’t he? It’s like he’s trying to convince himself, over and over, because I’m pretty sure that he’s not going to get Bob to get on board with the idea at this point.


Gareth’s monolog is interrupted by The Medic’s weeping. Or… laughing? Yep. Laughing.


The Medic then tells the Fine Young Cannibals what we all already knew, he was bitten. He’s TAINTED MEAT!!

Haha! No. We ate all the chili already! None for you!

That’s @#$%ing amazing.

It is. Good for you, Bob. And for you kids at home looking for comic book version connections, think back to how Dale went out, and you’ll find the inspiration for this scene.

Gareth thinks everything will be fine because of cooking. I’m not so sure.

Considering that these guys don’t know that everyone is infected already, I’d say that it probably won’t be fine. Hmmm. I wonder if that would speed up the process?

Sasha is looking for Bob out in the wood, but he’s…. indisposed.


WALKERS!! She takes care of them until Tyrese and Rick show up. She says someone is watching them and she’s worried about The Medic.

Not just walkers, but Stealth Walkers!

Maggie is NOT reading the Bible.

Everyone meets back at the church.

Sasha attacks Gabe and tells him to stop whatever it is he’s doing. I think she’s forgetting the fact they the just escaped from cannibals YESTERDAY!! And they left just enough alive to track them down.

Yeah, Rick was right on that one.


Sasha threatens to stab the hell out of Gabe but he doesn’t have anything to tell. Rick intervenes. To ask more dumb questions DID THEY ALL FORGET TERMINUS?

Rick threatens Gabe to tell his secrets.


Gabe tells him that he locked the doors to the church when the congregation came to the church for help, he left them outside to die. He had to listen while his parishioners were eaten. Awww… Gabe

Aaaaaand we were right.

I’m not sure Rick is impressed.

No, not really.

Gabe devolves into a weeping mess. I guess that satisfies Rick and company.

There is a whistling from outside. When they go out to check it out, they discover that The Medic has been returned… well… most of him… Now will they remember the cannibals? Maybe?

Hmmm. Does this seem like a dumb plan to anyone else? Why alert Team Zombie to your presence, Gareth? Do you really need an audience for your monologues that badly?

The Medic tells everyone about the cannibals. And how Daryl and Carol drove away.

He tells them he was bitten. We all cry. Sasha mainly. Rick is all ((blank stare)).

Gareth is so dead. Rick did promise.

Tyrese takes The Medic to Gabe’s office to rest and/or turn.

Rick is ready to go kill. So is Judith. She lets out a battle cry.

Mustache wants to leave for DC right now because he had drank the Eugene cool-aide and is an idiot. There is a little fight about how Mustache is an idiot. I just hate this.


You know, I think I’ve figured out our problem here. In the comic, we couldn’t hear Eugene’s voice. Here we can, and it’s just so obvious to us that he’s lying that we can’t get our heads around the fact that Abraham can’t see that. Sure, he’s looking for purpose, looking for a reason to go on, but still.


Glenn tries to be the voice of reason. Tara has an idea: If Mustache and Rosita and… Eugene, I hate you, Eugene… stay and help with the Fine Young Cannibals, she will go with him to DC. Mustache says they will stay and help… but only if Maggie and Glenn also come. Rick says no deal, and on top of that, if they leave, they can’t take the bus. Mustache is all: Yes I can. Rick is all: No you can’t. They almost come to blows, but Glenn jumps in to talk them down.


Glenn says if Mustache will stay and help with the Fine Young Cannibals, he and Maggie will go with them to DC.

I hate Mustache. I hate him so much. Because he’s an idiot.


I think what’s bothering me here, is that instead of standing with these people that saved his life not too long ago, Abraham is being so unreasonable about this whole damn thing. Way to show some gratitude there, buddy.

In the office The Medic and Sasha share a sad, beautiful moment. Sasha does not want to play the “Look on the Bright Side” game anymore. She wants to know why he didn’t tell her about the bite. The Medic says that he was too happy, and he knew things were coming to an end and he wanted to stay in the middle for a little while longer. Awww…. ((sob))

They lay together.

We didn’t really like Bob when he first came into Team Zombie, did we? That whole bit with the bag of booze. I think I’m going to miss him.

Rick and Team Zombie make a plan. Tyrese is ready to man the baby!! Sasha wants to go but they tell her to stay with Bob… who?

Sigh. The Medic, Dustin. His name is Bob.


The Medic… Bob… is not looking so good… Tyrese tells Sasha that this last few minutes are gonna be important. Sasha is all like: I wanna do some murderin’. Tyrese is all: Lets be forgiving. But Sasha doesn’t wanna hear that noise. Tyrese wants her to stay with The Medic but she is insistent. She makes Tyrese stay with The Medic and gives him her knife to end it if he turns.


Yeah, so I said a dumb thing, that Sasha was kind of being a bitch here, passing off the responsibility of ending Bob’s life to her brother so she can go take revenge, and not spending what time she has left with Bob, with Bob. No argument.

Carl wants to go, too.

The glass is breaking at the school. Everyone is sneaking about in the woods around the church.

Gareth and the other Fine Young Cannibals arrive at the church, they were scoping out the church waiting for Team Zombie’s warriors to leave. This is their second mistake.


Seriously? You ate ALL the chili? You monsters.

They break in to the church. You guys it’s dark in there, and Carl is in there with a gun and that hat. The Fine Young Cannibals are in SO MUCH TROUBLE.


Yeah… does anyone else think that this is so obviously a trap? Apparently eating people doesn’t make you smarter. Who knew?

It’s very tense. Lil’ Ass Kicker keeps quiet because she’s the best. Gareth is all season 2 about it.

Hey everyone! It’s monologue time! I guess this is going on his reel for his audition for the next James Bond film.


Shut up, Gareth. He says Judith’s name, which I would imagine is the exact wrong thing to say when Carl has a gun.

Gabe is all pray hard stay hard.

The Fine Young Cannibals got to the door to the office. Gareth offers to let Gabe and Judith go free if they just give up the location of the others.

Hey, I believe him. Clearly he’s very trustworthy.


Judith cries.

The stand-off continues. Or not. Rick comes in with silencers and shoots the @#$% out of them. The surviving Fine Young Cannibals are put on their knees.

What? We didn’t know you were coming. And it was REALLY good chili.


Oh look! It was a trap! Shocking! I really should be annoyed here, because it was so obvious that it was a trap, but nah, it works anyway.

Gareth is not going to let go of the fact the Terminus used to be a good place before everyone went crazy. Shut up, Gareth; we are so broken up.


Yeah, I really couldn’t see a future for you two. And he’d always be talking about how good Terminus used to be. OK Gareth. We get it. You have regrets. That only really matters if you do something about them. Telling people how much you used to not be a terrible cannibal isn’t going to make them OK with you being a terrible cannibal. And I’m suspecting that Rick really doesn’t care.

And it’s a good thing I ended it, because Rick and Team Zombie straight up murders them. Except for a few people who are squeamish about murder for… plot reasons.

See, I don’t see the Hand of The Writer there… not this time.

Gabe comes out of the office and sees the church is RUINED.

Sasha is… not okay.


Why is anyone feeling sorry for the cannibals? Stop looking so sad, Glenn. They were going to beat your head in with a baseball bat and slit your throat, like three days ago.

OK. Glenn and Maggie can kill, have killed, will kill, but c’mon, Rick just butchered Gareth. All of the Terminus folks just got butchered. Sure, Gareth & Co. deserved it, but Glenn and Maggie weren’t there for the throat-biting-gut-slicing-Rick-has-embraced-his-inner-monster bit, were they? They haven’t seen this side of him before, and it has to be a little bit shocking to them.


Everyone says a sweet goodbye to The Medic. The Medic thanks Rick for reminding him good people are still around. It’s a little sad. The Medic reminds Rick he needs to be a human, too. The Medic tells him that the nightmare could very will end if they all make it to DC and they will need to be human again. Rick is happy to hear it.

I’m so full of the chili. I’m just going to lie here for a while.


It’s a really good scene, and a really good message. And this version of Rick… this version might actually listen.

That baby is on drugs.

Sasha is there with The Medic as he slowly dies. The Medic tells her that he was dreaming of her. And that’s sweet. Sasha asks him what the bright side of this situation is… and then he dies. Sasha cries. Then Tyreese comes in and takes the knife from her. Sasha leaves the room.

The Medic, Bob, never turns, and Tyreese stabs him in time.


This is also the point where Tyreese sets aside his inability to kill pretty much anything, and I like the way it’s handled as a subtle thing, no real big dramatic moment. Just doing what needs to be done.

They bury him.

You know, sometimes I really wish this show was about ponies.

Remember when this show didn’t do a very good job of handling real emotions? Where you and I railed every week about how terrible so many of the relationships and characters on this show were? Here’s the cost of having it all get so much better.

Mustache and the others get ready to leave. Rick, Michonne, Carl, Sasha, Tyreese, Lil’ Ass Kicker and Gabe are staying behind to wait for Daryl and Carol to return. Glenn, Maggie, and Tara are going with Mustache, Rosita and Eugene.

It’s a long way to DC.

Mustache left Rick a nice note.

Rick goes over to where Tyreese is digging graves for The Medic and the Fine Young Corpses. Rick asks him how the trip to Terminus was for him, and he looks at Rick and says “It didn’t kill me”.

Tyrese: Master of the understatement. So much wrapped up in that line.

Later that night, Gabe comes out of the church to bother Michonne while she is on watch. Michonne. Does. Not. Need. The. Company.


Oh, the look on her face. Gabriel, can you not see the look on her face?

There is a rustling. Michonne goes to check it out and… its Daryl!! And no one else!!

Michonne asks where Carol is and Daryl is all like: “Come on out!!”

And that’s where it ends. Right there. Really? Really? Who is he talking to? Why is he so… furtive? Where is Carol?

You know Carol is going to be OK.


And if she isn’t? If she isn’t, Dustin?

Then Scott GImple and I are going to fight. I’m going to fight his face. With my fists.

…uh huh.

Don’t make me come over there.

Dude. You haven’t moved once this entire episode. The chili has immobilized you.

Anne-Marie? You’re closer. You hit him.


((Sigh)) Fine. Good episode, mostly. Good chili.

Yes. Yes, it was. Mostly. Not perfect, but on the higher end of things. I do have one pretty big complaint though.

I bet I know what it is.

I bet you do. Again, the show introduces a black male character, and then promptly kills off an existing black male character. Honestly. I was kind of surprised that we’ve had Bob as long as we have, but still. It’s a pattern I thought we’d broken here.

At least he went out better than Theodore.

At least he had more lines than Theodore.

Everyone has more lines than Theodore. Gareth had more lines than Theodore.

We miss you, Theodore.

Yes we do. And we’ll see you all next week. Thanks for reading, folks!

[Show site at AMC]    [Previous recap: “Strangers”]





Timothy Harvey

Timothy Harvey is a Kansas City based writer, director, actor and editor, with something of a passion for film noir movies. He was the art director for the horror films American Maniacs, Blood of Me, and the pilot for the science fiction series Paradox City. His own short films include the Noir Trilogy, 9 1/2 Years, The Statement of Randolph Carter - adapted for the screen by Jason Hunt - and the music video for IAMEVE’s Temptress. He’s a former President and board member for the Independent Filmmakers Coalition of Kansas City, and has served on the board of Film Society KC.

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