Conventions & Events

The Geekly with a Twist: June 1st-7th

You know the worst part about an extended weekend? Well, probably just that the week seems a bit longer…otherwise it’s awesome. Regardless, we’ve all finally made it to Friday (yay!) and, as a reward, it’s time for your Geekly (double yay!). Onward with the history!

June, 1938: Though it was actually published in April, the “June” issue of Action Comics (#1!) saw the première of Superman.

June 2nd, 1966: Surveyor 1 landed on the moon. It is the first time a space probe has performed a soft landing on the moon.

June 2nd, 1977: Heroes and Star Trek actor, Zachary Quinto is born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

June 3rd, 1965: The first American spacewalk occurs when Edward White leaves Gemini 4.

June 4th, 2008: The United Kingdom and Canada become the first countries to get films from the iTunes store.

June 6th, 1971: The only manned mission to reach the first space station, Soyuz 11 is launched by the Soviet Union.

June 6th, 1984: A video game that remains iconic through today, Tetris is first released in the United States.

I know it doesn’t seem like much, but apparently it was a short week in history, too (heck, I even hit a few extra resources this time). Honestly, though, that just means you can get to your Twist a little quicker! How about a Vulcan Death Grip Shotfor the newest incarnation of Spock’s birthday?

  • 1 oz Spiced Rum (Sailor Jerry’s is suggested due to its higher proof)
  • 1 oz Galliano

Serve in a shot glass, live long, and prosper! (Yes, I know, there’s no comma, but considering the grammar of the sentence, I went with it.)

And, of course, you don’t garnish a shot, but you Garnish yourGeekly! This week, I’ll admit, it’s a little self-serving, too.

Have you ever wondered what goes on in the mind of this crazy Lush you’ve all come to enjoy with the Geekly? Or perhaps ever wondered about the process behind the Geekly? Or even wondered what would drive a crazy person such as yours truly to go about the daily world? Well, be sure to check out my new blog: The Tiddly Tales of AJ the Lush. While not strictly SciFi, it’s going to feature a lot of everything…geekery, booze, and (of course) my wonderful Australian Cattle Dog. Might as well check it out, right?

So, until next week, geek on!

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