Arrow -- "Lost Souls" -- Image AR406A_0248b.jpg -- Pictured: Brandon Routh as Atom -- Photo: Cate Cameron/ The CW -- © 2015 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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Team Arrow Solves a Small Problem


Episode 406 “Lost Souls”

[Photos: Cate Cameron/the CW]

Ray Palmer is alive!

The scientist and founder of Palmer Technologies has returned to the land of the living. Over the past few episodes, he had been trying to communicate with his love (and future Mrs. Oliver Queen) Felicity Smoak cryptically, as the shrinking entrepreneur has been captured by evil forces.

Did Team Arrow save him? Read on to find out!

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As Oliver and Thea were planning the next chapter in Ollie’s mayoral campaign, campaign manager Alex tried to put the moves on Thea, but she was not having any of it.  Meanwhile, Felicity became obsessed with trying to find Ray and she roped Oliver in her rescue quest.  The couple was able to finally reach Ray and he revealed how much danger he was in. However, when Oliver asked if he could help…Felicity gave him the cold shoulder.



Felicity and Curtis received an unwelcome visitor in the form of her mother, Donna Smoak. After she escorted her mother out of Palmer Technologies, Felicity let Oliver know in no uncertain terms how she felt about it. All the while Team Arrow (including Sara) is in the middle of raiding Kord Industries to find the necessary piece of equipment that was needed for Curtis to build the device to save Ray.

However, just as Sara went feral on one of Kord Industries’ security guards, Felicity learned who captured her former love: reigning baddie Damian Dahrk!

Felicity furiously unloaded on Oliver for bringing Mama Smoak into town (part two). And the idea of dinner with Mama while Ray’s in peril just about did Felicity in, but Curtis needed time to assemble de-miniturization device, and the team needed Lance to get Darhk’s location.

While Dahrk confronted Palmer and threatened Felicity, Oliver confronted his girlfriend about becoming cold. The cracks in Olicity began to show as she was guilty over putting Ray in this situation and she lost herself in her relationship with Oliver. Green Arrow vented to Diggle about his Felicity situation, but his Man Friday revealed that Felicity chose him over Ray and that she would come around.


Captain Lance met with Dahrk who asked for help dealing with magic and Sara. As the good captain told Diggle where to find Dahrk, Felicity talked to her mother about her relationship and her worries about losing herself in the relationship. Donna advised her daughter to not ruin her relationship with Oliver before it had a chance to really work.


The team (along with Sara and Curtis) began their rescue mission! While a captured and chained Oliver briefly faced Dahrk alone and blinded him, the rest of Team Arrow jumped into action! Felicity, Diggle and Curtis were able to rescue Ray, while the ladies took out Dahrk’s men.

With Ray safely back with Team Arrow, the team revealed more information about Dahrk and the scientist also asked Felicity to remain CEO of Palmer Technologies until he is ready to return to the public eye. While the team regained a new ally, Sara decided to leave Star City so she could learn how to control her bloodlust. While Oliver and Felicity also cleared the air, Donna bumped into Captain Lance over drinks at a Star City bar. Time for a new shipping hashtag?

Next week, Diggle goes after Dahrk!

My take on “Lost Souls”: The Legends of Tomorrow build-up continues as the incredible shrinking Ray Palmer and his fantastic technology returned to the Arrowverse.


But because of Palmer’s return, Felicity’s character went from Arrow’s Barbara Gordon (the Oracle version not the current Gotham psychopath) to a scatterbrained teen…whose former boyfriend (and first love) returned to the neighborhood after moving to a new school 15 miles away. Felicity is one of the backbones of the show and to see the writers do a total 180-degree turn with her character drove me absolutely bonkers. Here is a woman who has everything that she wants (a man who loves her, a mother that came all the way to Star City to surprise her and a job that she loves), but still is not over her first love.

I am glad that Donna Smoak returned to help her daughter, even though she was a plot device to keep Felicity in Oliver’s world. I hope that the show has more action sequences in the future, because Arrow’s success is the combination between intriguing stories and superb fight scenes.

I also wish that the Arrow writers get rid of the Island scenes. They do not add any significant story value and how it ties into Dahrk and his misdeeds! Speaking of misdeeds, I cannot wait to learn what caused Diggle’s brother to join Dahrk’s organization next week. It looks like it is going to be one intense episode!


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