iZOMBIE Says Liv and Let Clive! SciFi4Chicks Agree!
The people naming things over at iZombie continue with their winning streak, as they provide us with yet another set of hilarious and amazing names (that are not names of the characters; yes, we are still not over those). But aside from the brilliant intro cards, in “Liv and Let Clive,” we also got more back story for our favorite detective; Ravi (#RaviRocks!) and Major move in together; and Liv discovers what paranoia feels like.
In this installment of SciFi4Chicks, Alex and Heather wonder about Team Zombie’s expansion plans, lack of meaningful female characters, and Major in a towel.
The panel: Heather French, Alex Callahan.
Find out where this episode lands on our iZombie Hotness Scale, and let us know if you agree with our rating! Join the conversation over on Twitter, and remember:
It’s not paranoia if they really are out to get you.