PodcastReviewsTelevision & Film

ROGUES GALLERY #47: Girl Issues, Time Travel Issues, and HR Issues


[recaps by Jason P Hunt]

Time to gather ’round the table and discuss the DC Comics shows — SupergirlThe FlashArrowLegends of Tomorrow, Powerless — but not Gotham. Because it’s off the air until April.

Plus: The Batman has a new director, with Matt Reeves in negotiations to take over for the recently departed Ben Affleck. Is this one more indicator that the DC Cinematic Universe is still in trouble? Will there be a time when Warner Bros. puts out a DC Comics movie that works 100% and satisfies everyone?

[su_audio url=”http://www.podcasts.com/download/scifi4me-radio-rogues-gallery-1e4979dfe/ROGUES-GALLERY-47-Girl-Issues-Time-Travel-Issues-and-HR-Issues-833a”]

The panel: Ann Laabs, Thomas Townley, Timothy Harvey, Jason Hunt


Returns April 24


Episode 211 “The Martian Chronicles”
Written by Gabriel Llanas & Anna Musky-Goldwyn
Directed by David McWhirter

It’s Mars Attacks! plus a little Alien plus a little The Thing plus a little doppelganger action plus a little coundown to disaster… plus some character moments between Kara (Melissa Benoist) and Alex (Chlyer Leigh), J’onn (David Harewood) and M’gann (Sharon Leal), Alex and Maggie (Floriana Luna), and Kara and Mon El (Chris Wood).

The White Martians hit Earth, showing up to hunt M’gann to take her back to Mars for punishment. She’s always wanting to take herself away to remove her friends from danger. The resolution of the circumstances — both with her story and with the fight between CGI aliens — is a mixed bag.

There’s still the question of Kara trying to get used to the idea of Winn (Jeremy Jordan) helping Guardian, but she gets to grow up a little. And are we going to spend the rest of the season with Girl Issues??…


Episode 312 “Untouchable”
Written by Brooke Roberts & Judalina Neira
Directed by Rob Hardy


And wait. What did they just do to Julio?! Come on, Berlanti, that was just mean.

This week, Team Flash is dealing with Clive Yorkin (Matthew Kevin Anderson), a metahuman who’s killing all of the Flashpoint cops — Julio (Alex Désert), along with the others who caught him in the other timeline. Yorkin’s touch turns people to ash, so our heroes have to figure out how to stop him without touching him. Quite a conundrum, that.

And when he touches Iris (Candice Patton), it’s up to Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) to slow the effect with her powers, all the while trying to make sure Killer Frost doesn’t take over. It’s Julian (Tom Felton) who cuts through and gets her to control herself just enough. And a budding romance between the two…?

Figuring out that a speedster’s blood can stabilize Yorkin’s and stop the effects of his power, Kid Flash saves the day (again) after Flash phases an entire train through a pile of rubble.

Then Jessie Quick shows up! Dad’s been taken! By Grodd!


Episode 211 “Turncoat”
Written by Grainne Godfree & Matthew Maala
Directed by Alice Troughton

New Jersey, 1776 – A reprogrammed Rip Hunter (Arthur Darvill) is in charge of a group of Redcoats. And he’s got automatic machine guns for the troops after killing George Washinton (Randall Batinkoff), thus making an aberration that will bring the rest of the team to the Revolutionary War. Of course it’s a trap, and of course they go anyway, because it’s Rip.

Mick (Dominic Purcell) gets captured with Washington, and everyone else has to deal Rip’s setting off an EMP. Ray (Brandon Routh) is stuck in tiny mode, chased by a rat, Jax (Franz Drameh) has to reboot the ship, and Stein (Victor Garber) has to get the bullet out of Sara (Caity Lotz).


And could we get Mick Rory to narrate the opening for all the shows forever? Please?


Episode 512 “Bratva”
Written by Oscar Balderrama & Emilio Ortega Aldrich
Directed by Ben Bray

Oliver (Stephen Amell) trained with Talia (Lexa Doig) during his time in Russia. John (David Ramsey) is free, but the good Army general and his thugs have just made their way out of custody. So Team Arrow heads off to Russia, leaving Rene (Rick Gonzalez) to watch over a newly-sober Quentin (Paul Blackthorne).

And wait. Everyone on Team Arrow has a passport ready to go at a moment’s notice?

By the way… Dinah (Juliana Harkavy) doesn’t seem like the type to put up with Oliver’s brooding. Which he’s doing because he’s back in Russia, working with “a whole mess of angry Russian dudes”, and he’s still got Prometheus in his head. 





Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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