Television & Film

Official: X-FILES Returning to Fox with Scully & Mulder



Fox has made it official: The X-Files will return to the network for a six-episode run starring David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson reprising their roles as FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully.

The announcement was made by Dana Walden and Gary Newman, co-chairs and CEOs of Fox Television Group, along with show creator Chris Carter, who will executive produce the new episodes.  The show is returning thirteen years after the original run on Fox, which spawned two movies and a video game.

“We had the privilege of working with Chris on all nine seasons of The X-Files – one of the most rewarding creative experiences of our careers – and we couldn’t be more excited to explore that incredible world with him again,” remarked Newman and Walden. “The X-Files was not only a seminal show for both the studio and the network, it was a worldwide phenomenon that shaped pop culture – yet remained a true gem for the legions of fans who embraced it from the beginning. Few shows on television have drawn such dedicated fans as The X-Files, and we’re ecstatic to give them the next thrilling chapter of Mulder and Scully they’ve been waiting for.”

So far, no other actors have been announced, and as of the weekend of Planet Comicon in Kansas City, Mitch Pileggi was not yet officially back as Skinner, although he expressed interest in returning to the role.

The X-Files originally premiered in 1993, and remains one of the longest-running science fiction series on network television. Following season seven, Anderson was the only one of the leads to return full-time, and Duchovny had a recurring role. Robert Patrick and Annabelle Gish were brought on board as agents John Doggett and Monica Reyes.

“I think of it as a 13-year commercial break,” said Carter. “The good news is the world has only gotten that much stranger, a perfect time to tell these six stories.”


Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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