No More Waiting for Gadot: First Wonder Woman Image
Speculation has been running high as to just what Warner Brothers would trot out in Hall H with regard to Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. As part of our coverage, we’ll be breaking down all the news on Live From the Bunker, but we finally have a first image of Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman:
As with the images of Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck, this image has muted colors and a darker tone, and has already received mixed reactions on the internet. Many are pleased with the Greco-Roman design (sans pants), but complaints continue with regard to Gadot’s stature.
It appears the bodice is mostly a dark maroon with a gold eagle overlay, and the entire thing is burnished as if armored in some way. The heels of the boots look solid, not stiletto, with the boots and bracers completing the outfit in a way that’s reminiscent of Josh McMahon’s photo-manip designs.
More from the panel as things develop.
She looks more like Simmons trying to be Xena and getting it wrong…