New STAR WARS Trailer Debuts at Celebration
On the heels of the panel for The Force Awakens at Celebration 2015 in Anaheim, CA, producer Kathleen Kennedy and director J.J. Abrams introduced a new teaser/trailer (what do we even call these things anymore?…)
Analysis and details of the panel forthcoming. But for now…
Personally, I call the Star Wars Celebration an extended Disney commercial – a commercial which the target market pays to attend and aggressively promotes.
Talk about your Jedi mind tricks.
Really, though, it’s no different from any other genre convention with a heavy media component. San Diego has been like that for the networks and studios for years. It’s just that Celebration focuses on one intellectual property with several generations of fans from around the world.
Ah, but Star Wars is a single product owned by a single company, not a genre. Worldcon is a genre convention. Comicon is a genre convention. Star Wars, though? Not a genre. True, the media goes to genre conventions to plug their products. But the STar Wars Celebration was a single media company plugging a single product to a captive (albeit willingly so) audience..
[With a small wave of my hand] This is not a commercial. These are the droid action figures you were looking for. Disney can go about its business. Move along. 😉