OpinionReviewsTelevision & Film

Mr. Smith Needs a Neck Massage – GoT Episode 9

Episode 9 – “Baelor”

Review by Mr. Smith

HBO’s episode 9 recap

Don’t “lose your head” folks, (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) I know you’re grieving, but it’s going to be okay. Maybe. I mean, one of our favorite characters just got cleaved in twain, but hey, surely the good guys win, right? I mean….RIGHT?

Ned’s neck gets bifurcated and Sean Bean gets stabbed. Not a great week for Boromir fans.

The thing about good, well written, well conceived bad guys is, they are ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED that they are the good guys, but the real good guys act selflessly. That’s how you can tell. In film, anyway. In real life, it’s hard to tell one evil toe-headed goober from another.

The series has its ambiguities. Ambiguities galore, in fact. If you take a look at Tyrion, he’s on the wrong side, but he’s forced to be there, because of his idea of honor, and you can see that he WISHES he could abandon these people, his own family, but he’s not that bad of a person, even though they treat him so poorly. I love that about his character. And that actor. You can see all that happen in his eyes.

When Ned’s head went dead, and the black came before the credits, my friend said, “Well, I’m out.” As if he wouldn’t continue watching the show. Which made me a little sad. There is a reason millions of fans want this next book so bad. George will take a character, and he will make you LOVE that character, and he will never let you feel they are safe. He takes his story to the absolute brink of tragedy, and you will never know if he’ll just let it happen. George R.R. Martin is among the bravest storytellers because of that. He does not coddle his reader one bit.

There is a more realistic view of human nature and our potential for brutality in this than we’ve seen in some time. It’s fun. Isn’t it fun? Yeah. It’s fun.

Poor Aria and Sansa see their father die, right in front of them. Lannister betrayal and lies caused that, and Rob’s already outmaneuvered Tywin on his way to the Red Keep. Joffrey remains completely oblivious to any of the consequences of his actions. Likely he’ll live a long and happy life based on what we’ve seen so far.

Last week, George had a major hand in the teleplay. Could anyone really tell the difference? I’m guessing you want to say yes, but realistically, no. There’s really not much difference. I know why that is, and so do you. He already wrote it. I applaud the efforts of David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, but they draw from a higher power, and they do it AMAZINGLY well. George has a writing credit for every episode, because he’s the man, and he wrote the books.

I’m incredibly excited about the series finale, and also feeling forlorn about having to wait for more. I’m sure we all feel like that.

It occurs to me that our little GoT fan base should have a nickname. “Thronies?’ I don’t know. I think that’s kind of awful. You know if you had a suggestion you could comment below, right? I think maybe you should.

OH GAWD. Let’s not forget about our horse warriors! WHAT IS GOING ON IN THAT TENT??????

And John got a new sword. Sweeeet. You should get a new sword too. You can cleave your mail in twain. In twain I say!

Talk to ya next week!

Mr. Smith

Next week is gonna rule. Here’s a preview:


Curtis Smith

Curtis Smith, a native of Curtistan, is an actor, whip maker, and musician.

One thought on “Mr. Smith Needs a Neck Massage – GoT Episode 9

  • I vote for Throners.


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