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LUKE CAGE Picks Up Sonia Braga


On the heels of a successful launch with Jessica Jones, Marvel has announced more casting news for Luke Cage: Emmy and three-time Golden Globe nominee Sonia Braga will join the show as Soledad Temple.

Claire, played by Rosario Dawson, is also known as the “Night Nurse” in Daredevil, and she makes an appearance in the final episodes of Jessica Jones just prior to the climactic final confrontation between Jessica and Kilgrave (we won’t tell you how it ended…).

“A character as strong as Claire needs an equally powerful mother, and with Sonia we found the perfect actress to deliver the stellar performance we needed,” said Executive Producer/Head of Marvel Television, Jeph Loeb. “In Marvel’s Luke Cage, fans will now get a chance to see where Claire got the fire we love her for.”

Braga came to the United States after establishing herself as a star in Brazil with the telenovela Gabriela. Her international stardom was sealed with her performance in Kiss of the Spider Woman, kicking off her English-speaking career in Hollywood and earning her a Golden Globe nomination. She also appeared in Moon Over Parador and The Burning Season, which netted her two more Golden Globe nominations and an Emmy nomination.

“Sonia Braga? Rosario Dawson? ‘Nuff said. I’m tuning in,” said Executive Producer and Showrunner Cheo Hodari Coker. “When it came to finding someone who was both formidable yet possessed a light touch, Sonia was the perfect choice and has been a Godsend.”

Luke Cage is the third of four original series being produced for Netflix by Marvel and ABC Studios. The next on in the pipeline, Iron Fist, will be followed by a miniseries that will unite Daredevil, Jones (maybe Hellcat?), Cage, and Hand for Marvel’s Defenders.

No word yet on season two for Jessica Jones, although show-runner Melissa Rosenberg hopes to get one before Defenders. It’s all a matter of logistics. The first season of JJ is now available on Netflix.


Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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