Josh Charles Stays Home In Netflix’s AWAY
Netflix has cast Josh Charles to play Hilary Swank’s husband in its upcoming drama series Away. This will be his first major role since playing Will Garner in The Good Wife.
Away is loosely inspired by Chris Jones’ Esquire article of the same name that chronicled Scott Kelly’s yearlong mission on the International Space Station.
This story follows Emma Green (Swank), an American astronaut who leaves her family behind to helm the first human mission to Mars. Matt Logan (Charles) is her husband, a NASA engineer who not only has to manage his wife’s mission from Earth, but also handle parenting a teenage daughter. His job is made more difficult in the wake of a traumatic life-changing event that happens in the first episode. It’s an event that causes him to understand the true cost of being separated from his wife.
According the tag line for the 10 episode series, it’s about “hope, humanity, and how we need one another if we are to achieve impossible things.”
The show was created by Andrew Hinderaker, who also wrote the first episode and serves as an executive producer with Jessica Goldberg as the showrunner and co-producing with Jason Katims. The pilot will be directed by Jack Reacher and directed by Edward Zwick. The show hails from Katims’ True Jack Prods, Reeves’ 6th & Idaho and Universal Television.
The series should debut on Netflix in early 2020.