
It's Week 2 of BOOK MONTH on LIVE!


This Week on Book Month!

All this month, LIVE FROM THE BUNKER will feature interviews with many prominent and upcoming authors, and you won’t want to miss a minute of it!

On Monday’s show… we’ll be talking with John Ordover, founder and CEO of JJO Marketing, a digital art gallery owner, and he previously edited Pocket Books overseeing the Star Trek franchise licensed novels.

Then on Tuesday, author Jason P. Hunt becomes the “guest” with Tim Harvey lobbing questions at him. He’ll discuss his self-published book, The Hero at the End of His Rope. He’d love to take your questions, so join us in the chatroom!

Wednesday brings us Rob Kroese, author of Starship Grifters and the Mercury trilogy. Not only do we get to talk about the new book, but also how the process has changed for Rob since signing on with 47North.

Thursday’s plans are still in the works (shh!), so stay tuned for updates on our homepage, Facebook, and Twitter! (You are following us, aren’t you?)

That’s just week two of Book Month!

Are you ready for our other special guests? How about these great authors!

Thomas K Carpenter, best selling alternate history and steampunk author

Kevin Dilmore and Dayton Ward of Star Trek: Seekers

Greg Cox – editor at Tor, award-winning author of tie-in novels for Star Trek, Leverage, Warehouse 13, Alias, and more

Lisa Jensen – author of the new fantasy take on the classic pirate villain, Alias Hook

Joseph LalloBypass Gemini and the Book of Deacon series

Kevin J Anderson & Brian Herbert Hellhole: Inferno, authors of the Dune books

Ellen Datlow, Hugo award-winning editor, OMNI and SciFiction

We have other interviews in the works… stay tuned! Don’t want to miss your favorite authors?  Follow us on BlogTalk Radio!


Did you miss week one of Book Month? Never fear! You can listen to them On Demend!

Live From the Bunker #140804 — Book Month Begins!

#140805 — author Rhonda Eudaly is our guest as we kick off Book Month with a chat about The Four Redheads of the Apocalypse and other tales.

#140807 — taking a break from interviews to talk about The Dragonriders of Pernand the Honor Harrington novels.

#140807 — Kammie Settle takes the helm as she talks with actor Jeffrey Fellin about his work recording audiobooks and his time on Syfy’s Robot Combat League.

Past episodes of LIVE FROM THE BUNKER you may also be interested in…

#140401 – “Amazing Stories” magazine is back!

#140610 — Author Wendy Sparrow and editor Bascomb James join us to discuss the short story anthology Far Orbit from World Weaver Press.



Heather French

Heather French is a 2nd generation geek who grew up STAR WARS in a STAR TREK family. A graduate from UNT with a degree in Film/ TV, she worked MARS ATTACKS, SCREAM, CSI, and STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE. She currently freelances and spends her free time with dogs and cats who do not judge her sci-fi/ fantasy indulgences...

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