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H2O #101: In Which We Discuss Deadpool, Studio Suits, and the R-Rated Superheroes


It was only a matter of time, according to director James Gunn: the suits would look at the success of Deadpool and learn the wrong lessons. And it’s not like it would be a new thing. Just take a look at what’s been going on over at Warner Bros. with regard to the DC Comics properties.

Can you make an R-rated superhero movie? Sure. Should you? Maybe. Maybe not. Like everything else, it depends on the story. And while DC looks to be re-tooling its comics line-up to better appeal to disgruntled fans, is there a looming shake-up at WB that would leave Zach Snyder in the cold? And would the suits at WB be able to make better decisions about their characters? It all ties together in this extended edition of H2O.

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